The Awkward Addict



Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette Tutorial

Oh loves, it’s been far too long!  If I go without blogging for more than a few days, I get kinda twitchy.  It feels good to be sitting down to write again.  This week has been insane.  For all who were wondering, I survived Black Friday.  Barely.  While I was getting ready this morning, I played around with the idea of putting some war paint beneath my eyes just to let everyone who crossed my path know that I meant business.  Luckily, I only ran into a few crabby customers, and the rest were quite pleasant.  There were far, far too many of them…but at least they were pleasant!  My shift ended with a lady backing into my car in the parking lot.  Fitting for the day, I’d say.

Anyway, I thought I’d show you the eye look I’ve been wearing pretty consistently lately.  Ever since I bought the Chocolate Bar Palette, I haven’t been able to put it down.  For one, it just smells too delicious NOT to use on a regular basis.  Again…Too Faced are geniuses when it comes to marketing products for women.  ::Applause::

Let’s do it!

Chocolate Palette 029First, I primed my face with Pur Mineral’s Miracle Mist.  I can’t get enough of this stuff.  I also primed my lids with Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion.

Chocolate Palette 001Chocolate Palette 031Alright, these pictures are WAY too big.  Sorry you’re getting an up close and personal view of my pores.  Anyway, the next step foundation followed by concealer.  I’ve been using this Cover Girl foundation lately, and I LOVE it.  Again, Cover Girl is the way to go when it comes to inexpensive, drugstore foundations.  The only problem is that I can’t find a shade pale enough for my ghostly white face (#palegirlproblems).  I used my Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer under my eyes and Pur’s Disappearing Act Concealer on my blemishes and discoloration.

Chocolate Palette 006Here’s the eye look halfway done.  Oh, look at my poor, tired, got up at 3:30-to-be-at-work eyes.  ::sigh::  Anyway, keep reading for the breakdown of shadows used.

"White Chocolate" was used on the brow bone.

“White Chocolate” was used on the brow bone.

"Creme Brulee" and "Champagne Truffle" were layered the lids.

“Creme Brulee” and “Champagne Truffle” were layered the lids.

You can’t tell, but I’m doing “rawk” fingers here.

"Milk Chocolate" was blended through the crease and applied on the lower lash line.

“Milk Chocolate” was blended through the crease and applied on the lower lash line.

Lorac's Front of the Line Liquid Liner in "black"; Urban Decay's Perversion Mascara; Anastasia Brow Wiz in "Taupe"

Lorac’s Front of the Line Liquid Liner in “Black”; Urban Decay’s Perversion Mascara; Anastasia Brow Wiz in “Taupe”

These products were used to finish up the eyes.  Have a looks-y.

Chocolate Palette 007Finally, I applied some blush and added a neutral lip to complete the look.

Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in "Exposed."

Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in “Exposed.”  Applied to lower cheekbones and temples.

NYX Waterproof Lip Liner in "Nude." Lorac Lip Gloss in "English Rose."

NYX Waterproof Lip Liner in “Nude.” Lorac Lip Gloss in “English Rose.”

Chocolate Palette 016Chocolate Palette 019Chocolate Palette 020And there we have it!  Now to wash this off and get some much-needed rest.  Enjoy your evenings, Awkward Annies!

Stay Weird!


P.S.- I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by two lovely bloggers.  That post coming soon and thanks for the nomination!


The Darkest Day is Coming


Black Friday. Or as I refer to it, the closest I’ll ever get to hell on earth. This day is looming over me like a dark, stormy cloud on the horizon. Everyone who has ever worked retail knows what I’m talking about. Customers gather outside the doors before you open like a pack of ravenous wolves waiting to pounce on their pray. Last year, I feared for my life as I unlocked the doors and quickly sidestepped away from the mob that engulfed the entrance way. At this point, the real chaos begins. There are people covering every surface of the store, gathering items, knocking over displays, running to the cash wrap with arms full to the brim. Sure, you get your pleasant guests who grab a doorbuster or two and check out without a fuss. But for every good guest, there are at least four Entitled Ellie’s who all demand your attention at the same time.

“Why don’t you have more of these?”
“Don’t you have any more people that could check me out?”
“I wish you had this in a different color.”
“Could you put my items in twelve separate bags?”
“I can’t believe how expensive that is. I could get it at half that price at So-And-So’s.”

With each of these questions and statements, my soul dies just a little more. Don’t get me wrong, I really do love working with the general public. I feel at home in retail, and it gives me a feeling of pride when I help someone find the perfect product that makes them feel confident and amazing. It’s just that this day brings about a special kind of stress and anxiety. The stress of not getting to rest when you’re literally running on fumes. The anxiety of running out of that certain, sought after item and having to deal with the anger that comes with its absence. It’s alarming how much rage people feel and express when stores sell out of products. That anger is usually directed at the poor sales associate who has literally zero control over the situation. Also, there is the sadness of leaving your family early on Thanksgiving because Black Friday has become Black Thursday in recent years. Yes, our doors will open at 8pm on Thursday evening. Oh, joy of joys! And speaking of Thanksgiving, why is it that we have to pack our cars to the brim with items we don’t really need the day after we are supposed to be giving thanks for all that we have? I’ll slide down off my high horse now, but it’s just a thought to ponder. You know…if you want to.

If you do decide to go shopping next Friday, please be kind to all the employees you meet. Some of them enjoy the rush of the crowds, but I can guarantee that most of them would rather be home. Asleep. Just remember, if you’re shopping then people are working. It’s an obvious point that can go unnoticed during this particular night. Also, I hear you can get most of the same great deals online, in the comfort of your very own home! Shoot, that means you don’t even have to bathe or brush your teeth to shop! Nice… For those for you who have come to know me via this blog. Pray for me. Pray that I survive yet another year in the trenches. I’ll let you know next week how I faired…😅

Stay weird, my friends!



Bath & Body Works/Ulta Haul and Mini Reviews!

I know I said it in my last “haul” post, but these are always so awkward for me.  It’s like, “Hey!  Look at everything I bought for myself!  Let’s talk about how greedy and self-centered I am!”  ::nervous laughter::  But I really do love reading these posts from other people, so perhaps you all feel the same!  I’ll give a little review when applicable as well.  I used a big word and now I feel like a hot shot.  I’m so smart.  Anyway, I’ll start with what I purchased at Bath & Body Works.

Lauren Makeover 005

  • “Winter Candy Apple” Soap
  • “Fresh Falling Snow” Soap
  • “Winter” Soap
  • “Cherry Almond Shortbread” Soap
  • “Warm Vanilla Sugar” Body Spray
  • “Fresh Balsam” Three-Wick Candle

I make a run to Bath & Body Works at the start of each new season.  My hand soaps MUST match the time of year in my house.  It’s important, dang it!  But I am loving these fragrances.  The hand soap scent stays on your skin long after you’ve washed your hands.  My favorite soap is probably “Winter Candy Apple,” with “Fresh Falling Snow” as a close second.  “Warm Vanilla Sugar” has been a long-time favorite, but this is the first time I’ve bought this scent in spray form.  It’s just so light and perfect for every day wear.  And this CANDLE!  Oh…my…gosh.  It makes my whole house smell like a cozy log cabin.  If you close your eyes while it’s lit, you can almost see yourself in a rustic living room with a bear-skin rug on the floor and the fireplace blazing.  Love!

Now on to the more exciting bit: Ulta.  As an employee, Ulta will treat it’s associates to a special discount one weekend of the year close(ish) to Christmas.  That weekend was this past one, and I took advantage of it.

Haul2 004

  • Dolce & Gabanna “Light Blue” Mini Spray
  • Too Faced “Chocolate Bar” Pallet
  • Too Faced “Candlelight Glow” Highligher Duo
  • Lorac “The Royal” Lip Lustre Creme Collection
  • L’Oreal Revitalift Night Cream
  • Karina Bobby Pins ::yawn::…link not necessary…

Haul2 021

From Left To Right: Gilded Ganache, White Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Black Forest Truffle, Triple Fudge

Top Row From Left To Right: Gilded Ganache, White Chocolate, Milk Chocolate, Black Forest Truffle, Triple Fudge

Row 2 From Left To Right: Salted Caramel, Marzipan, Semi-Sweet, Strawberry Bon Bon, Candied Violet, Amaretto

Middle Row From Left To Right: Salted Caramel, Marzipan, Semi-Sweet, Strawberry Bon Bon, Candied Violet, Amaretto

Bottom Row From Left To Right: Hazelnut, Creme Brulee, Haute Chocolate, Cherry Cordial, Champagne Truffle

Bottom Row From Left To Right: Hazelnut, Creme Brulee, Haute Chocolate, Cherry Cordial, Champagne Truffle

These shadows blend beautifully and smell amazing!  Too Faced used actual cocoa powder in this product..because they are geniuses when it comes to marketing in a way that appeals to women.  Geniuses!  I wore these shadows yesterday, and was casually lying on my bed reading when both of my dogs jumped up by me and smell-atacked my eyes.  It was pretty cute and annoying all at the same time.  But yes, they are beautiful, neutral shades that very between a matte, satin, and shimmery finish.  I love the little pops of color that this pallet includes as well.  So fun!  Okay, and I know I’m a sucker for cute packaging, but the fact that this pallet looks like a giant candy bar just kills me!  Ugh!  SO CUTE!

Haul2 026

Haul2 027

From Left To Right: Tiara (Nude), Crown Jewel (Cherry Red), Debutante (Exclusive Warm Pink), Your Highness (Hot Pink), English Rose (Exclusive Pale Pink), Majestic (Exclusive Mauve)

From Left To Right: Tiara (Nude), Crown Jewel (Cherry Red), Debutante (Exclusive Warm Pink), Your Highness (Hot Pink), English Rose (Exclusive Pale Pink), Majestic (Exclusive Mauve)

Again, cute packaging and adorable names.  Just take my money already!  Oh wait, you already did…  These glosses also smell amazing, but I can’t put my finger on the scent.  It’s very sweet and candy-like.  They are definitely a sheer coverage, but add just enough color to the lips to make an impact.  The formula is a sticky one, which adds to their longevity.  I’ve already worn a few of the shades and I know I’ll get a lot of use out of this entire collection.  So excited!

We’ve finally reached the end!  Whew!  If you’ve made it to the bottom of this post, then this round of applause is for you:


Hooray!  Rah Rah!  You did it!

Alright friends…stay weird!



Ipsy Glam Bag November 2014

Ipsy November 2014 006

Oh, Ipsy.  I love you.  I love that you always come on a day that I’m not expecting you.  You’re the only surprise guest I find acceptable.  Everyone else…you call me.  You hear?  Don’t just go dropping in unexpectedly.  What if my house is gross?  What if I’m gross?  What if….Ok, get it together, Rachel.  You went off on a very unexpected little tangent there.  Whew!  That was weird.  Anyway, Ipsy is a monthly makeup/skin care/hair care subscription bag that costs $10 a month.  I received this hot little number in the mail today, and I’m pretty excited about its contents!  Let me break it down for you…rap style.  Just kidding.  As always, I will include links to the products.

1. Marc Anthony Oil of Morocco Argon Oil Hairspray (Full Size $19.45) November 2014 016Could they fit a more descriptive name on the can?  Apparently this contains argon oil and keratin.  Both are hair strengthening ingredients.  I actually just ran out of my current hairspray, so this came at the perfect time!  Ipsy read my mind!

2. Be A Bombshell Eye Base in “Submissive” ($14.00)

Ipsy November 2014 017Ipsy November 2014 020

I’m so awkward at swatching…  This is a beautiful, glossy brown color with a hint of gold shimmer.  I don’t believe it claims to be long-lasting, so I would still use a primer under it.  I think it would be great for layering under an eyeshadow look.  This color strikes me as a summer/fall tone, so I’m excited to try it out in the near future.

3. Elizabeth Mott You’re So Fine Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner in “Glitterati” ($15.00)

Ipsy November 2014 011Ipsy November 2014 014Here’s the thing.  I don’t like glitter and I also don’t like awkwardly thick eyeliner brush applicators.  So this product already has two things going against it.  That being said, it was quite hard to wash off my hand which means it will definitely hold up when applied to the eye.  Maybe it will be fun for New Year’s?  Hmm..

4. Temptu S/B Highlighter in “Pink Pearl” (Full Size $27.50)

Ipsy November 2014 008Ipsy November 2014 009I was a bit taken aback by the size of this sample.  At first, I thought it was too small to get much use out of.  But after I played with it, I found that a little does go a long way.  It’s a beautiful, iridescent pink/white color.  I’ve been on the hunt for a good liquid highlighter, and maybe this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.  We shall see!

5. J. Cats Wonder Lip Paint in “Red Potion” ($6.95)

Ipsy November 2014 026Ipsy November 2014 034Holy pigmentation, Batman.  Just…wow.  But here’s the thing….  This stuff gets everywhere!  You definitely need to use a lip brush to apply it, or else you’ll just create a gigantic mess.  Trust me, I know.  This swatch was supposed to be on my lips.  After I used my fingers to apply it, I looked like a deranged murderer on the loose.  It did stain my lips as well, which means it should last for a good part of the day once applied.

We’ve reached the end!  It always makes me feel a little sad after I’ve reviewed my Ipsy bag, because that means I’ll have to wait another month until I get to do it again.  I think these are turning out to be my favorite posts to write!  I’m tossing around the idea of creating a look using all of these products.  Is that something you would like to see?  Let me know in the comments!

Stay weird!


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Christmas Gift Guide: The Lucky 13

Well, here we are.  Another holiday season is upon us.  Seriously though..the older I get, the faster the time seems to go.  It’s like some sort of voodoo magic.  I would bet (a very small amount of) money that the earth is turning faster these days.  Anyway, since I work in Corporate Makeup World Land, I figured I might be of some service in helping you find the perfect gift for the lady or friend in your life.  Shoot, I would love to receive any (or all) of these items I’m about to show you!  I’ll let you in on a little fact about myself.  I love gifts.  I love giving them and I quite like receiving them.  Truthfully, there is nothing like giving someone a present that you know they will use and love, then seeing the excited expression on their face when they open it.  ::sigh::  It’s just so rewarding.  The upcoming list will also include links that you can click on.  These will take you to my Amazon Affiliate site where you can purchase the products online.  You are in no way obligated to do so, but it would definitely help me out.  Also, what’s more practical than online shopping?  Probably a lot of things, but it’s high on the list.  I’ve left you hanging long enough.  Here we go!

1. Tarte “Petite Treats” Advent Calendar



This is a gift that keeps on giving during the 12 days before Christmas.  It includes 12 deluxe-sized Tarte products.  So fun!  Plus, the packaging is adorable.

2. Tarte Pin Up Girl Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush Palette



For the makeup fanatics out there, this palette is a definite must-have.  These blushes are fantastic “every day” colors, and they last all day.  Blush palettes are hard to find in general, but ready-made blush palettes of this quality are almost non-existent.  It’s limited edition, so snatch it up while it lasts!

3. Pur Minerals Skin Care Starter Kit



This skin care line is amazing.  It’s extremely gentle on the skin, but packs a major punch.  The set includes their hydrating/setting mist, cleanser, oil-free intensive moisturizer, and detoxifying facial masque.  It’s a great way to try out the line without spending major cash.

4. Philosophy “Holiday Cookbook” Recipe-Inspired Shampoo, Shower Gel, & Bubble Bath Set



First, these smell amazing.  Second, you can literally use this product for cleaning any part of your body, including hair.  I probably didn’t need to explain all that since it’s included in the title of the product.  Psh!  Ah well…  It also creates a fantastic bubble bath, and the scent stays on your skin for hours.

5.Sigma F80 Flat Top Kabuki Brush



This is the face brush to end all face brushes.  It applies foundation like a dream.  If you can afford a Sigma set, go for it.  But if you can only manage one brush, this is the one to get.  It’s highly regarded in the makeup world, and she will love it!

6. Real Techniques “Core Collection” Brush Set



Now, if you’re looking for a makeup brush set that won’t break the bank…this is the one to buy.  The quality is great, and you can’t beat the price!

6. Dolce & Gabbana “Light Blue” Perfume



This perfume is light and lovely.  The notes are as follows: Sicilian Citron, Bluebell, Granny Smith Apple, Jasmine Sambac, Bamboo, White Rose, Cedarwood, Amber, Musk.  Honestly, I haven’t met too many women who do not love this scent.  I don’t own it personally, but I give myself a little spritz with the tester at work just about every shift.

7. Bath & Body Works Warm Vanilla Sugar Body Lotion



You know how some scents bring you back to specific memories?  This one reminds me of my first few dates with my husband.  It was my go-to lotion at the time, and it gives me instant warm fuzzies.  Even if you don’t have any nostalgic attachment to it, the scent amazingly light and happy.  Yes, happy.

8. Hot Tools 1″ Titanium Straightening Iron



Hot Tools is a great middle-of-the-road brand.  It’s not as expensive as Babyliss or Chi, but their quality is fantastic.  The titanium coating is gentle on the hair, and the 1″ size is perfect for straightening hair or creating a flat iron curl.  Definitely a “winner” in my book.

9. The Balm “Nude ‘Tude” Eyeshadow Palette



This palette has amazing pigmentation and is half the price of any full size Urban Decay Naked Palette.  Don’t get me wrong, I love my Naked Palettes, but this is a fantastic alternative.  It makes a great addition to any makeup lover’s collection.


Let’s finish up the list with some quick lifestyle gift ideas…

10. Aladdin “Blank Canvas” 16 oz. Mug


My husband got me one of these last year for Christmas.  I am a coffee fanatic, and I use mine almost daily.  I especially love it because you can create your own inserts by using their website, which allows you to update it throughout the year.  Mine currently has a picture of my dog in it.  Because I’m that person.  At least I admit it..

11. Overdoor/Wall Jewelry Organizer


This is a useful, decorative gift for any woman that loves to show off accessorize.  It hangs securely over a door and displays all your jewelry at once for easy access.  So practical!

12. Chevron Infinity Scarf 2-Pack


Infinity scarves and chevron print?  Yes on both accounts.  Plus, you can’t beat this price!  These come in all sorts of shades and colors.  Click the link for more detail.  This would be a great stocking stuffer as well!

13. FitBit Flex Wireless Activity Plus Sleep Wristband


This product intrigues me.  Here’s what it claims to do:

  • Tracks steps, distance, calories burned and active minutes
  • Monitor how long and well you sleep
  • Wakes you (and not your partner) with a silent wake alarm
  • LED lights show how your day is stacking up against your goal
  • Slim, comfortable and easy to wear (sold with both large and small wristbands included)
  • Includes small and large wristbands

I’m totally curious about this and would love to try it.  I’m sure your giftee would feel the same!

I hope I’ve at least given you some inspiration when it comes to Christmas shopping this year!  I included gifts in the high and low price range to fit into just about any budget.  Let me know what items are on your wish list!

Stay weird!



All Dressed Up and Nowhere to Go! *One Look/Four Lip Choices*

Good morning!  I hope you’re all having a fabulous start to the weekend!  Today I’m going to show you a neutral eye look with four separate lip choices.  I invited a friend over last night with the promise of a bonfire.  It was all a rouse to corner her into letting me give her a makeover for all of you to enjoy.  Without further ado, here is the beautiful Lauren sans makeup:

Lauren Makeover 009She’s a hottie tottie without anything on her face.  I mean, cheekbones for days!  But watch as we make her extra sassy in the photos to come…

Lauren Makeover 011To even out her (basically already) even skin, we used the following:

L'Oreal Lumi foundation and Pur Disappearing Act concealer.

L’Oreal True Match Lumi foundation and Pur Disappearing Act concealer.  Set with Corn Starch…obviously.

For the eyes, we used Urban Decay’s Naked 2 Pallet, with Smashbox’s Cream Shadow in “Quartz” as a base.  I also used Rimmel’s Lash Accelerator Volumizing Mascara and Anastasia’s Brow Wiz pencil in “Taupe.”

Lauren Makeover 018


Smashbox Limitless 15 Hour Wear Cream Shadow in “Quartz” was applied all over the lid.

Smashbox Limitless 15 Hour Wear Cream Shadow in "Quartz" was applied all over the lid.

Smashbox Limitless 15 Hour Wear Cream Shadow in “Quartz” was applied all over the lid.

Lauren Makeover 046


“Verve” was applied all over the lid.

"Tease" was blended through the crease and applied on the lower lash line.

“Tease” was blended through the crease and applied on the lower lash line.

"Busted" and "Blackout" were layered over the upper lash line with a small, angled brush.  These were used in place of eyeliner to create a softer eye look.

“Busted” and “Blackout” were layered over the upper lash line with a small, angled brush. These were used in place of eyeliner to create a softer eye look.

Mascara was applied to top and bottom lashes.

Mascara was applied to top and bottom lashes.

We used Anastasia's Brow Wiz pencil in "Taupe" to define and slightly extend her brows.

We used Anastasia’s Brow Wiz pencil in “Taupe” to define and slightly extend her brows.

To finish up the face, we applied blush to her cheekbones and blended it through the temples and hair line.  Because of her fair skin, this was used in place of bronzer to warm up her complexion.

Lauren Makeover 030

Purminerals Universal Marble Powder in "Pink."

Purminerals Universal Marble Powder in “Pink.”

Now on to the fun part!  Check out the lip options for this look:

1. Bright Pink Lip

Lauren Makeover 014 Lauren Makeover 015

Pop Lip Crayon in "

Pop Lip Crayon in “Fuchsia Flirt.”

"Pop Lip Crayon in

Pop Lip Crayon in “Fuchsia Flirt.”

2. Mauve Lip

Lauren Makeover 020 Lauren Makeover 021

Bare Minerals Lip GLoss in "Sugar Plum."

Bare Minerals Lip GLoss in “Sugar Plum.”

3. Nude Lip

Lauren Makeover 030 Lauren Makeover 031

Rimmel Show Off Lip Lacqer in "Nude Eclipse."

Rimmel Show Off Lip Lacquer in “Nude Eclipse.”


Rimmel Show Off Lip Lacquer in “Nude Eclipse.”

4. Red Lip (Favorite)

Lauren Makeover 034



L'Oreal Lipstick in "True Red."

L’Oreal Lipstick in “True Red.”

There you have it!  She rocked all four colors, but the red looked amazing. Thanks to Lauren for loaning me her face for the evening and thanks to all of you for reading!

Stay Weird!



Kylie Jenner Makeup Look

Good evening, lovelies!  Tonight I tried my take on the gorgeous Kylie Jenner’s trademark makeup look: Neutral eyes with a slight wing and full, 90’s-esque lips.  I have a confession to make.  I had no idea who Kylie Jenner was until this year when her face started popping up everywhere in the makeup world.  I never watched any of the zillion Kardashian shows nor did I follow them on any media site.  I do have to say, Kylie is beautiful and I really enjoyed creating this look.  Now for the obvious disclaimer:  I look nothing like Miss Jenner.  I mean….we are literally complete opposites.  So, if you want to see what Kylie’s makeup looks like on a pale, blonde girl…then keep on reading!

Here is the picture I drew my inspiration from, for reference.

kylie jenner









Kylie Jenner 051

First off, I applied my base.  I wanted to look slightly “dewy,” so I used L’Oreal’s Magic Lumi Light-Infusing Primer and True Match Lumi foundation.  For concealer, I used my Pur Disappearing Act in “Light.”  I set it all with corn starch.  Yes, corn starch.  Read my earlier posts to learn more about my love for it.


Kylie Jenner 052

I used my Naked Basics 2 pallet for the eyes.  Although it’s not my favorite product, the colors were perfect for recreating her look.  For the lid, I mixed the colors “Skimp” and “Stark.”  I also used “Skimp” as a brown bone highlight.


Kylie Jenner 054

To blend out the crease, I used “Primal.”


Kylie Jenner 055

I applied “Cover” to my lower lash line.


Kylie Jenner 056

Looking through pictures of Kylie, I saw that she varies quite a bit with her liner.  Sometimes she doesn’t use any, and other times she wears an extreme cat eye.  For this particular look, it seems that she just extended her liner slightly.  I used Lorac’s Front Of The Line liquid liner in “black” to do so.


Kylie Jenner 060

I wish I would have had access to false eyelashes tonight, but sadly I didn’t.  Instead I just packed on the mascara and curled the heck out of my lashes.  I used L’Oreal’s Telescopic Shocking Extensions for length and Urban Decay’s Perversion mascara for volume.


Kylie Jenner 061

To finish up the eyes, I applied Ulta’s black gel eyeliner to my upper water line and a white pencil eyeliner to my lower water line.


Kylie Jenner 066

Can’t forget the Kylie brows.  She (or her makeup artist) is amazing at executing the ombre brow, where it gets more defined as you reach the outer tip.  I’m not an eyebrow expert, but I did my very best!  I used my trusty Anastasia Brow Wiz in “taupe” for this part.


Kylie Jenner 069

Our face shapes are so different, but to slim my cheeks, jaw, and nose I had to do a little contouring.  I used a flat Sonia Kashuk brush and Too Faced’s Chocolate Soleil’s Bronzer to chisel out those areas.


Kylie Jenner 074

Here’s what it looks like blended out.  I added some more warmth to the outer areas of my face with the same bronzer and a fluffy brush, as well as adding more to my cheeks.  The bronzer also took the place of any blush, as it doesn’t appear she’s wearing any in the picture.


Kylie Jenner 078

The final steps is, of course, the lips.  Now, I wish I had her beautiful lips..but I don’t.  She has more Angelina Jolie lips and mine are more Lucille Ball.  But still, I did my best to slightly overdraw them so they would mimic the fullness of hers.  This lipstick is totally one I could see her owning.  It’s the Lorac Pro Matte Lip Color in “Mauve.”

Here is a close up of the finished look:


Kylie Jenner 099

Too close?  Oh.  Well, here are some more for you.  So picky…


Kylie Jenner 096 Kylie Jenner 095 Kylie Jenner 093 Kylie Jenner 088



Thanks for reading and stay weird!



October 2014 Favorites

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 029Well, it’s officially November, which means it’s time to reflect back on all the products that got me through October.  The majority of them are new to me, which is exciting because it’s always fun to fall in love with something you’ve never tried before!  Let’s just get into it.

1. Freeman Charcoal & Black Sugar Facial Polishing Mask ($3.99)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 047This mask makes my face feel so incredibly soft.  I keep in in the shower and use it about 2-3 times a week.  When applied, it creates a “warming” feeling on my skin that I really enjoy.  You’re supposed to leave it on for a minute or so, and then massage it into your skin.  The “sugar” dissolves, leaving your face feeling fresh and smooth.  Definitely a “win” in my book.

2. Pur “Hydrate and Set” Miracle Mist ($19.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 045I freaking love this stuff.  I use it before and after I apply my makeup…and at night…and when I want to give my face a little pick-me-up.  It hydrates my clean skin and helps my makeup to look natural while keeping it in place.  It also smells like citrus, which is quite enjoyable.  I’ve gone through far too much of it already, yikes!

3. Mario Badescu Enzyme Cleansing Gel ($14.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 046My skin has reverted back to its 14-year-old state again, in the sense that it won’t stop breaking out.  Every time I see the light at the end of the tunnel with my blemishes, new ones pop up!  I mean, come on!  I’m 29-years-old and I thought my skin nightmares were finally over!  Anyway, a coworker told me about this face wash, and I’m really glad she did.  It has definitely calmed my face down quite a bit.  The only downsides for me are the scent (not awful, but not super pleasant) and the fact that it does not foam.  I don’t know why, but non-foaming cleansers weird me out.  I can definitely overlook those little issues due to the fact that I’m seeing major improvement in my skin.  I’ll keep you all updated on my journey with this product, but as of right now it’s a favorite.

4. Lorac Pro Palette ($42.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 052This palette is obviously well-loved.  And yes, that’s duct tape on the mirror because I broke it shortly after I bought it.  At least it’s zebra print, right?  Anyway, I’ve been creating so many fun fall looks with this baby lately.  You can tell what my favorite colors are because they are just about gone.  Boo!

5. Pur Disappearing Act 4-in-1 Correcting Concealer ($22.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 048This little number is “pure” magic.  I made another pun!  I’m on a roll lately….  Anyway, while I still use my Maybelline Instant Age Rewind concealer under my eyes, I use this product for covering up my blemishes.  It’s 100% full coverage and it doesn’t take much to make my flaws disappear.  I was given this by a friend who is a Pur representative.  It’s in the color “porcelain” which is no longer available.  The next lightest shade is a tiny bit too dark for me, so I’m going to get all the use out of this that I can.

6. Anastasia Brow Wiz ($21.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 044I’ve gone through so many brow products this past year, and I’ve finally found my favorite.  This is in the color “taupe” and it’s a perfect match for my brows.  It’s dual-ended, with one side being the product and the other a spooly for combing through your brows.  I love it because the tip you draw with is so fine and small that you can use it to create realistic looking hairs.  It’s brought my brow game up to a whole new level.  Score!

7. Physician’s Formula Eye Booster 2-in-1 Lash Boosting Eyeliner + Serum in “Brown” ($10.99)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 043 This liner is a twofer.  It creates an opaque line and also contains a lash growing serum!  I don’t use it every day, so I haven’t been able to tell a difference in my lashes as of yet, but I will keep you updated if I see an improvement.  I love the brown color for my fall eye looks.  It’s softer than black, yet still dark enough to make a statement.

8. Tarte Blush in “Exposed.” (Full Size is $26.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 040This blush has been a constant during the month of October.  It’s neutral/mauve tone has been perfect for my fall eye looks.  Love!

9. Lipstick Queen Sinner Lipstick in “Pinky-Nude” ($22.00)

October Favorites Elsa Tutorial 038::sigh::….Notice anything about this lipstick?  I *might* have put the cap on without winding the lipstick down all the way.  The top was smashed.  I beat myself up over this for a few days and am still in mourning over its current state.  But it’s still a beautiful shade and I have been using it almost daily.

We’ve reached the end of my monthly favorites!  I didn’t include any lifestyle favs this time around, because I honestly haven’t had much extra time lately.  The holidays have hit the retail world a little early this year, and the stress of my job has consumed my life.  There’s been little time to think and do much else lately.  Be expecting another “Retail Hell” post in the near future.

I hope you all had a great October and a Happy Halloween!

Stay Weird!
