The Awkward Addict



Tester Tuesday: DERMAdoctor Kakadu C Amethyst Detox Mask

Whelp, it’s that time again! Welcome back to another Tester Tuesday review! Today, I’ll be talking about the Kakadu C Amethyst Detox Mask by DERMAdoctor.


This product normally retails for $58 (1.7oz), but I was given this at work in order to test it out for my job. What am I going to do when I no longer work for Ulta? Probably just grieve for the fact that I now have to spend much more for my beloved beauty products, that’s what… Anyway, I thought I’d showcase this product since my skin hasn’t been on its best behavior lately. I’ve been breaking out more frequently than normal, so a good detoxing is just what the doctor-or DERMAdoctor-ordered. See what I did there?

This mask is made with an ingredient called the Kakadu Plum, which is a fruit native to Australia. It is said to contain 55x more Vitamin C than Florida Oranges. So why is that a good thing? Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. It helps protect the skin from environmental aggressors by fighting free radical damage (as stated on 

More specifically, this mask is formulated with magnesium to absorb impurities and detoxify without removing the natural, important oils in your skin. To use, smooth a generous layer all over your face and let it dry for 15 minutes. After, rinse with warm water and pat dry. This can also be used on the neck and back. The label suggests you use the mask up to 3x a week.

So does it really work?

Didn’t think I could make a clay mask sexy, did ya? Well, you were right…

This was my third time using this product, and I’m pretty happy with the results! My blemishes seem to slowly be diminishing, but my skin doesn’t feel overly dry. I’ll just take the company’s word for it that it’s “protecting my skin from free radicals.” That’s a tough claim to judge. I should also mention that the mask has a fresh, citrus-y smell which is quite pleasant! So all in all, yes, I do think this mask works. I believe that using this product frequently throughout an extended period of time would provide you with even better results. Would I normally pay $58 dollars for it? That’s a gigantic NOPE! But since I got this product for free, I will happily use it until it’s gone. But hey, if you have a fatter wallet than I do then knock yourself out!

Just a heads up- I have something pretty darn exciting planned for next Tuesday. Mums the word, so be sure to check back in next week! Hint: If you’re a fan of Benefit Cosmetics, you’ll be stoked!

As usual, check out my fellow Tester Tuesday ladies for more quick, trustworthy reviews! They’re all such talented bloggers, and you won’t regret taking a minute out of your day to check them out!

Katie- Plus+Beauty

Kaily- Someday Sunny

Renee- BflyRenee

Before I go, let’s just have an “experience part of my day” moment. I frequently visit our local pet shelter because I’m a crazy cat lady and they have an amazing cat room. It’s full of scratching posts, shelves to climb, nooks, toys, etc. It’s pretty awesome. When I go, there are usually around five-ish cats, but NOT this time! Today there were ELEVEN kittens gleefully running around! I was in heaven.


You guys! I just can’t EVEN! I may have called (begged) my husband to allow me to take the little orange and white one home, but it was a heartbreaking no. Good thing I already own two from this shelter, or I’d be devastated. 😁

I just thought you all might enjoy these little tykes as much as I did!

Stay weird, friends!



Drugstore Mini Haul

Happy Thursday, friends! Only one more day until the weekend, which means absolutely nothing to me since I work in retail. Bah, Humbug! I got a few “essentials” at Walgreens today. I figured, why not post about them? They are mostly new to me and I used the majority of the products while getting ready today, so I’m able to give you at least my first impression on them.

Jordana Twist & Shine Balm Stain $2.99

The two colors I bought were “02 Sweet Pink” and “05 Honey Love.” My first impression of these are highly positive! They feel great on the lips, definitely leave a long lasting stain, and they smell like strawberry candy. All good things!

Broadway imPRESS Nails $6.99

As most of you know, I’ve loved these for years. They last about a week on my nails, which is perfect for me. I’m extremely fickle and I like to change things up often, and these give me the freedom to do so! I picked up two colors, “Tweetheart” (the red ones) and “Bells and Whistles” (aqua).

Maybelline Face Studio Master Concealer $8.79

Obviously, my shade in this is “fair.” Now, this is the only product I purchased that I haven’t tried yet. I have another concealer I’m trying to use up before I open this one. I’m excited to use it because it’s gotten so many good reviews! Stay tuned for my thoughts on this little guy.

L’Oreal Infallible Gel Lacquer Liner $10.49

Winged eyeliner is my nemesis. I’ve tried and tried to conquer this task, and always seem to fail. The only times I seem to get it right is after about 20 minutes of trying, multiple redos, and a few breaks to scream into my pillow. I thought gel eyeliner might make the wing more manageable, and I was right! This formula and brush are an amazing duo, and it only took me around five minutes to do both eyes. Hey, that’s a major breakthrough for me!

L’Oreal Brow Stylist Plumper $8.99

I purchased the shade “Light/Medium.” I’m currently addicted to Benefit’s Gimme Brow, but I hate having to spend the $24 on it. I was hoping this product would be a dupe for it, and I totally lucked out! In fact, I like this product a bit better. This shade is a bit lighter than the comparable shade in Gimme Brow, so it’s a bit more subtle in my opinion. It also contains the small brush as well as fibers for building up areas. I’m thinking about doing a drugstore dupe post soon, and this product will totally be featured.

I did a drugstore makeup look today using the L’Oreal  eyeliner and brow product, and the Jordana lip stain in “Honey Love.” Take a look!

I couldn’t be bothered to use my actual camera, so the pictures are kind of sub-par. You get the gist, though!

I hope you enjoyed this little haul! I’ve been nominated for a few tags, so be expecting those soon.

Stay weird!


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Northern Adventure: Part 2

I debated on waiting a few more days for part two, but so much has happened recently that I decided to post now. More of my husband’s extended family came up to the (frozen) lake, and we celebrated a belated Christmas as well as my little man’s 5th birthday. My mommy heart fluttered writing that last bit. His actual birthday isn’t until February, but we had a small party tonight since we were all together. My baby is still 4 for another month, and I’m going to savor every minute of it! ::stifles panic attack::

One of the highlights of this trip was Tinder-ing for my 20-year-old brother-in-law. Wow, so many hyphens in that last sentence! For those of you who have been living under a rock (like myself), Tinder is a “dating” app the kids are using. I can call them kids because I turn 30 this year, which means my youth is just about over. Anyway, you view pictures of people in your area and swipe right if you’re interested. If they have also swiped right on your picture, you get a match. He gave me control of his app for the day. I have to say, I make a pretty good wing woman! Ladies, if you’re single and interested in this strapping young lad, I can hook you up!

He is holding down 2 jobs and is active in the National Guard. I’m just saying, he’s quite the catch!

Anyway, on to the montage!



“Christmas” morning was a great success. My son and niece were delightfully spoiled!


The hubs and I had to take some “usies.” Love that bearded man!

I snowmobiled for the first time today. Alright, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again..Why do people live in this weather!? I mean, why? I couldn’t even enjoy this activity because the cold was far too painful. But hey, at least it was documented!

Here is my crazy sister-in-law and I. I’ve known this girl for close to a decade now. She’s gone from a bratty little teenager to a fabulous friend and mama. Love her!



Makeup follows me wherever I go, and I love it! I gave a mini makeover to my little cousin. Isn’t she lovely?


We opened gifts as a clan and enjoyed a talent show from the little ones. And, boy, what a show it was!



The evening ended with said birthday party for Jackson. He takes after his mother in the sense that he loves being the center of attention. That’s my boy!

We will be venturing into Illinois soon, so be on the lookout for part three!

Stay weird!



Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette Tutorial

Oh loves, it’s been far too long!  If I go without blogging for more than a few days, I get kinda twitchy.  It feels good to be sitting down to write again.  This week has been insane.  For all who were wondering, I survived Black Friday.  Barely.  While I was getting ready this morning, I played around with the idea of putting some war paint beneath my eyes just to let everyone who crossed my path know that I meant business.  Luckily, I only ran into a few crabby customers, and the rest were quite pleasant.  There were far, far too many of them…but at least they were pleasant!  My shift ended with a lady backing into my car in the parking lot.  Fitting for the day, I’d say.

Anyway, I thought I’d show you the eye look I’ve been wearing pretty consistently lately.  Ever since I bought the Chocolate Bar Palette, I haven’t been able to put it down.  For one, it just smells too delicious NOT to use on a regular basis.  Again…Too Faced are geniuses when it comes to marketing products for women.  ::Applause::

Let’s do it!

Chocolate Palette 029First, I primed my face with Pur Mineral’s Miracle Mist.  I can’t get enough of this stuff.  I also primed my lids with Urban Decay’s Eyeshadow Primer Potion.

Chocolate Palette 001Chocolate Palette 031Alright, these pictures are WAY too big.  Sorry you’re getting an up close and personal view of my pores.  Anyway, the next step foundation followed by concealer.  I’ve been using this Cover Girl foundation lately, and I LOVE it.  Again, Cover Girl is the way to go when it comes to inexpensive, drugstore foundations.  The only problem is that I can’t find a shade pale enough for my ghostly white face (#palegirlproblems).  I used my Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Concealer under my eyes and Pur’s Disappearing Act Concealer on my blemishes and discoloration.

Chocolate Palette 006Here’s the eye look halfway done.  Oh, look at my poor, tired, got up at 3:30-to-be-at-work eyes.  ::sigh::  Anyway, keep reading for the breakdown of shadows used.

"White Chocolate" was used on the brow bone.

“White Chocolate” was used on the brow bone.

"Creme Brulee" and "Champagne Truffle" were layered the lids.

“Creme Brulee” and “Champagne Truffle” were layered the lids.

You can’t tell, but I’m doing “rawk” fingers here.

"Milk Chocolate" was blended through the crease and applied on the lower lash line.

“Milk Chocolate” was blended through the crease and applied on the lower lash line.

Lorac's Front of the Line Liquid Liner in "black"; Urban Decay's Perversion Mascara; Anastasia Brow Wiz in "Taupe"

Lorac’s Front of the Line Liquid Liner in “Black”; Urban Decay’s Perversion Mascara; Anastasia Brow Wiz in “Taupe”

These products were used to finish up the eyes.  Have a looks-y.

Chocolate Palette 007Finally, I applied some blush and added a neutral lip to complete the look.

Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in "Exposed."

Tarte Amazonian Clay Blush in “Exposed.”  Applied to lower cheekbones and temples.

NYX Waterproof Lip Liner in "Nude." Lorac Lip Gloss in "English Rose."

NYX Waterproof Lip Liner in “Nude.” Lorac Lip Gloss in “English Rose.”

Chocolate Palette 016Chocolate Palette 019Chocolate Palette 020And there we have it!  Now to wash this off and get some much-needed rest.  Enjoy your evenings, Awkward Annies!

Stay Weird!


P.S.- I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Award by two lovely bloggers.  That post coming soon and thanks for the nomination!

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Creepy Ventriloquist Dummy Tutorial

Halloween is just around the corner, and I know that sexy costumes are all the rage these days.  Sexy doctor, sexy fireman, sexy nurse…you name it!  The only problem is, they have all been done before.  I mean, talk about unoriginal!  Ladies, have I got you covered because I can guarantee you that nobody has ever tried to dress up as a sexy ventriloquist dummy!  Ha!  You’ll be the talk of the party, for sure!  You can thank me after this quick tutorial…

1. Make your face GHOST white.  This was not hard for me to achieve.

Ventriloquist 002Oooh!  So hot already!

2. Apply light blue eyeshadow on your lids, blending out through the crease.  Then, make a rounded shape with your eyes using black eyeliner.  Leave a space between the lower eyelashes.  Fill in the negative space with white, including the lower water line.

Ventriloquist 008Sultry!

3. Fill in your eyebrows, unnaturally, using a brown liquid liner.  Round the front of the brow and taper to a point.

Ventriloquist 011Ow ow!!

Ventriloquist 012

4. Carve out your nose, cheeks (especially apples), and smile lines using grey eyeshadow.  Also, shade around your temple, hairline, and jaw using the same shadow.  Apply a pink blush in a circle on the apples of your cheeks.

Ventriloquist 013 Ventriloquist 015 I can feel the other girls getting jealous…

5. Create a creepy sultry over-drawn pout with red lip liner.  Ventriloquist 026 Ventriloquist 027

6. Lastly, add your finishing touches!  This includes your freckles, fake hair, and moveable jaw lines.Ventriloquist 030 Ventriloquist 034 Ventriloquist 042 Ventriloquist 043Simply ravishing!  Good luck fighting the fellas off with this getup!  Anyway, I said you could thank me after the tutorial…so, you’re welcome.

I actually used to have a dummy when I was a kid.  I went through a weird stage (one of many) where I wanted to be a ventriloquist.  My parents got me Lester, the dummy, for Christmas one year and I practiced with him every night.  I was actually getting pretty decent at my act until this one fateful day when I read a certain Goosebumps book called Night of the Living Dummy.


It was about a kid who found a dummy that came alive at night and tried to kill him and his family.  Fantastic reading material for a 10-year-old.  Well, after that…Lester had to go.  I couldn’t handle his creepy gaze from atop my bookshelf any longer!  R.I.P, Lester.  I was such a strange child…

Well, anyway, I hope you found this tutorial useful.  Psh, who am I kidding?  You’re going to love this costume!  Happy Halloween, sexy mamas!

Stay weird!


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Comic Book Character Tutorial

What better thing to do at 8pm on a Wednesday than turn yourself into a comic book character? I’m definitely a novice when it comes to costume makeup, but I had a lot of fun creating this look. It would make a quick, easy costume if you don’t feel like buying anything this year. Just throw on a retro business suit, and you’d be good to go! If you’d like to watch me transform from this:

Into this:


..then just keep on reading!

To begin this transformation, you want to apply a full coverage foundation. I mean, you want your skin to look as fake and flawless as possible. You are essentially trying to look like a cartoon, so think of your face as a pale, un-contoured Kardashian. Like so:


Yeesh…Anyway, the next step is the eyes. I’m not going to lie, this part made me want to punch a concrete wall. Apply bright blue eyeshadow to the moving part of your lid. Next, try and create a crisp wing and attached cut-crease. If you fail miserably like I did, then blend away with black shadow! As for the lower lid, line it with black leaving a small gap between the waterline and the liner. Fill in that gap (as well as the waterline) with white eyeliner. This will make the eyes appear larger and more cartoon-like. Add mascara to the top lashes only. This is what it should look like so far:



As usual, my photos are sub par. Sorry. Next up are the eyebrows and lips. Create a “worried” look with the brows by slightly turning up the upper front part. After the outline is done, fill it in (with black, of course). The lips will be done in parts. First, apply a blue-based red lipstick. I used “True Red” by L’Oreal.


The next step is slightly hard to explain. You want to outline your face and features with black to make them look drawn on. This includes expression lines, nostrils, nose, cheekbones, lips, etcetera. I ended up adding more later, but here’s a little update to help explain what I’m talking about.




This last bit really makes the look come together. You want to recreate those red comic spots on your face by using your red lipstick and a Q-tip. Just stamp the little dots over your entire face. If you’re a little more on the OCD spectrum than I am, feel free to try and create a believable pattern. I couldn’t be bothered at this point, but looking back I wish I had done a better job. Finally, I added any little finishing touches I felt the look needed. This included false lashes, more outlining, and a highlight on the lip. I also cleaned up any jagged lines using (about 50) wet Q-tips. Here is the finished look:







Thanks for reading! Now I have to try and scrub all of this off. ::sigh:: I may not have a face tomorrow.


Stay weird!


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4-Year-Old Makeup Artist

I had the idea today to let my 4-year-old do my makeup.  He loves art and is always trying to get his hands on all the colorful things in my collection.  Little did I know, I had been raising a tiny prodigy.  His work is more on the editorial/runway side of the spectrum rather than the commercial side.  He chose to do a bold, blue eye paired with an autumn berry lip.  So vogue.




I feel these pictures do not do the finished look justice, but at least you have a little glimpse of his masterpiece.

I was lucky enough to get my picture taken with the artist afterwards.  I’m honored and humbled that he took the time to pose with me.  He is a busy, busy little man, after all.


I did get the whole process on video.  So if you’d like to watch the art unfold, then click the link below.

Warning:  WORST video quality EVER.  Sorry.
