The Awkward Addict



Depression Is Awkward.


Depression. Such an ugly word for an ugly state of being. I’ve come to know it well during the last few decades of my life. I know what you’re thinking: She’s about to get weird and emotional, and you’re right! I debated on writing this because, well, sometimes being vulnerable is scary. Actually, it’s downright terrifying #scarierthanthefirsttimeisawthering. But I figured- if nobody talks about it, then how is anyone supposed to understand it? I realize this topic is completely unrelated to my normal posts, but I think the stray is necessary. I’ve been a bit M.I.A. lately, and this is why.

Let me start by opening up a bit. Depression and I are twenty-year wrestling partners. Sometimes I come out on top, and sometimes he does. When I’m im the lead, I feel…normal. That’s the level I strive for. People who suffer from depression aren’t reaching for spectacular, they just want to feel like they belong with the rest of the human race. When I’m “winning,” I cope well with change. I feel confident in myself, my achievements, and my decisions. I feel the full range of emotions without going to any extremes. I’m also logical and rational (well…as much so as the next person). Overall, I’m content.

When depression takes the reigns, I shift. I lose interest in the hobbies that once brought me joy. I become irrational and overly emotional. I get overwhelmed far too easily. I pull away from my friends and family. I go into what I refer to as “hermit mode,” which basically means that I become a social shut-in and spend most of my free time in bed with Netflix and my cats. It’s not pretty.

Many things can trigger depression, and those triggers can vary from person to person. For example, it can be caused by a difficult life event or loss. In my case, it’s hereditary. I come from a long line of hermits. No matter how much I will the happy chemicals in my brain to “buck up,” they just refuse. Little a-holes. A few years ago, I had to resort to prescription anti-depressants to bring about my normalcy. While they did bring up my mood, they also numbed my emotions slightly which caused me to kind of forget how feelings worked. I had to wean myself off my prescription during the last few months due to personal reasons (hey, I can’t be a complete open book), and let me tell you….



Life’s been…interesting..

Sad things are suuuuper sad.

Angry things are so FREAKING infuriating.

Happy things are only *slightly* happy.

You get the gist. It takes strength and a whole lot of focus to get through my days. 

Let me bring you back around here. I’m not writing this to make you feel any sort of pity-like emotions for me. Trust me, that’s the last thing I want. Even on my toughest days, I work hard at coping and being as strong as possible. I don’t currently have medication to rely on, so I have to work extra hard at focusing on the positives in my life right now. Luckily, there are many. Other things that seem to help are exercising (so I’ve heard), eating better, reaching out to friends I trust, eliminating stressors, and pushing myself towards activities that bring me joy.

Quick side note: If you are close with someone who is depressed, don’t give up on them. Keep reaching out even if it feels like they just continue to pull away. Depending on their level of depression, it may take them longer to come out of it. Some simply can’t do it on their own. And sadly, some will never come out of it. They will, however, appreciate your loyalty and persistence (probably). Honestly, I completely *get* that depressed people aren’t the most fun to be around, but you may be the only bit of light they see during their darkest times.

So now you know why I’ve been posting slightly less as of late. I actually didn’t realize I was in this big of a slump until I was about waist deep. The good thing is, once I realize it, I immediately start my hard fight out of the depths. Hang with me, friends, I’m trying harder than you realize. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I can only hope this helps others who struggle with this very real condition to know that they are definitely not alone. And if you choose to hang in there with me, I can promise to try and make you laugh through the hard times. Laughter really is the best medicine!

All my love (and crazy feelings). Stay weird!


P.S.-I once read a fellow blogger’s take on her own depression, and it’s worth a gander if you want to feel some humor and empathy. Click here to read.


Tester Tuesday: RapidLash Eyelash & Eyebrow Enhancing Serum

Ooh La Lash! Alright friends, I have a secret. I’ve been cheating the genetic system. You see, I was born with horrible lashes. They grow every which way, they’re sparse, and they’re quite stubby. I’ve tried everything to create the illusion of fuller lashes. I’ve used almost every lash curler on the market. I’ve tried multitudes of mascaras. I’ve even tried taking breaks from eye products all together to see if that would make a difference. Not one thing has worked…until NOW! I feel like I’m doing a voiceover for an infomercial.. But seriously, this product has done wonders for my eyelashes. 

So what is this miracle product I speak of? Meet RapidLash Eyelash and Eyebrow Enhancing Serum! Obviously, I will be reviewing this heaven-sent product for this segment of Tester Tuesday.


RapidLash retails for $49.95 at Ulta. On, this product includes the following description:

RapidLash formulation is rich in a multitude of highly effective ingredients that not only promote the appearance of more youthful, beautiful lashes and brows, but also help provide beneficial care and nourishment to lashes and brows. A potent blend of ingredients functions as effective moisturizers, conditioners and strengthening agents. Together they help promote lash and brow durability, shine, sheen and overall healthier-looking appearance of lashes and brows. Many ingredients in the formula have soothing and calming properties to ensure a gentle application each time.

I have been waiting to review this product until I knew for sure that it was giving me the results I was looking for. It’s much like Latisse, but contains ingredients which are much gentler on the eye area. I apply the serum along my lash line every night, and saw results after around 4 weeks. I’ve been using it for 8 weeks now, and am so shocked with how long and full my eyelashes have gotten!


I honestly have zero complaints! If you’re interested in trying this product, please be patient. You won’t see results overnight, or even after a few weeks. But stick with it, and you’ll eventually see a major improvement in the thickness and overal quality of your eyelashes! I’ve gotten so many compliments on them lately, and I love the drama I get with something as simple as a quick mascara application now. So get to growin’, ladies!

But wait, there’s more! (I’m still on that infomercial kick.) Check out the other products being reviewed on the blogs below! The other Tester Tuesday ladies I collaborate with are so talented, so be sure to stop on by their little corners of the Internet!

Katie- Plus+Beauty

Renee- BflyRenee

Kirsty- Just Add Glitter

Stay weird!



Quick MOTD

Today, my friends, I felt like a badass. A few factors contributed to this feeling. One, I wore my infamous pleather pants. Two, I’ve recently fallen even more in love with my forearm tattoo, so I made sure to wear a 3/4 length sleeve to show that puppy off today. Three, I recently had some darkness added to the underside of my blonde hair by a stylist friend. I like to think it represents my hidden, dark nature…or something. And four, I sported a bright, bold makeup look tonight. All those little tidbits combined really helped my inner tough girl blossom. This is all quite ironic because I am the least intimidating person I know. It’s all smoke and mirrors, but that can be our little secret.

I thought I’d share that bright makeup look tonight with a quick breakdown of the products used. Hope you enjoy and perhaps gain some inspiration from it yourself. Go out and be bold!



  • Stila Stay All Day 10-in-1 HD Illuminating Beauty Balm
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation in Fair Beige
  • Maybelline New York Master Conceal in Fair
  • Pixie Bronzer in Summerime
  • Tarte Blush in Classic
  • Cornstarch to set, as per usual


  • Lorac Pro Contour Palette (Yes, it’s for the face..but I’m a badass and I break the rules, remember?)
  • Ulta Gel Eyeliner in Aqua
  • Benefit Roller Lash
  • Anastasia Brow Wiz in Taupe


  • Colourpop Lip Liner in I Heart This
  • Bite Beauty Lipstick in Palomino

See? I told you that was quick! The next time you do your makeup, have some fun with color! Whatever you choose to apply, just wear it confidently!

Stay weird!



Tester Tuesday: DERMAdoctor Kakadu C Amethyst Detox Mask

Whelp, it’s that time again! Welcome back to another Tester Tuesday review! Today, I’ll be talking about the Kakadu C Amethyst Detox Mask by DERMAdoctor.


This product normally retails for $58 (1.7oz), but I was given this at work in order to test it out for my job. What am I going to do when I no longer work for Ulta? Probably just grieve for the fact that I now have to spend much more for my beloved beauty products, that’s what… Anyway, I thought I’d showcase this product since my skin hasn’t been on its best behavior lately. I’ve been breaking out more frequently than normal, so a good detoxing is just what the doctor-or DERMAdoctor-ordered. See what I did there?

This mask is made with an ingredient called the Kakadu Plum, which is a fruit native to Australia. It is said to contain 55x more Vitamin C than Florida Oranges. So why is that a good thing? Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant. It helps protect the skin from environmental aggressors by fighting free radical damage (as stated on 

More specifically, this mask is formulated with magnesium to absorb impurities and detoxify without removing the natural, important oils in your skin. To use, smooth a generous layer all over your face and let it dry for 15 minutes. After, rinse with warm water and pat dry. This can also be used on the neck and back. The label suggests you use the mask up to 3x a week.

So does it really work?

Didn’t think I could make a clay mask sexy, did ya? Well, you were right…

This was my third time using this product, and I’m pretty happy with the results! My blemishes seem to slowly be diminishing, but my skin doesn’t feel overly dry. I’ll just take the company’s word for it that it’s “protecting my skin from free radicals.” That’s a tough claim to judge. I should also mention that the mask has a fresh, citrus-y smell which is quite pleasant! So all in all, yes, I do think this mask works. I believe that using this product frequently throughout an extended period of time would provide you with even better results. Would I normally pay $58 dollars for it? That’s a gigantic NOPE! But since I got this product for free, I will happily use it until it’s gone. But hey, if you have a fatter wallet than I do then knock yourself out!

Just a heads up- I have something pretty darn exciting planned for next Tuesday. Mums the word, so be sure to check back in next week! Hint: If you’re a fan of Benefit Cosmetics, you’ll be stoked!

As usual, check out my fellow Tester Tuesday ladies for more quick, trustworthy reviews! They’re all such talented bloggers, and you won’t regret taking a minute out of your day to check them out!

Katie- Plus+Beauty

Kaily- Someday Sunny

Renee- BflyRenee

Before I go, let’s just have an “experience part of my day” moment. I frequently visit our local pet shelter because I’m a crazy cat lady and they have an amazing cat room. It’s full of scratching posts, shelves to climb, nooks, toys, etc. It’s pretty awesome. When I go, there are usually around five-ish cats, but NOT this time! Today there were ELEVEN kittens gleefully running around! I was in heaven.


You guys! I just can’t EVEN! I may have called (begged) my husband to allow me to take the little orange and white one home, but it was a heartbreaking no. Good thing I already own two from this shelter, or I’d be devastated. 😁

I just thought you all might enjoy these little tykes as much as I did!

Stay weird, friends!



Fifty Facts About Yours Truly

I’ve been nominated for a few tag posts lately, and the common theme seems to be sharing information about yourself. Since I’m horrible at following actual directions, I figured I’d just write a post giving you fifty facts about myself…because apparently I’m feeling self-centered today.

It’s probably going to be a challenge to come up with so many personal details, but let’s give it a go!

  1. I’m an only child, but hopefully you wouldn’t be able to tell that upon meeting me.
  2. I’m cat obsessed. Ob-freaking-sessed. My fat cat, Nellie, and I are bffs. She is literally always right by my side and I wouldn’t have it any other way!
  3. I am a mommy to the best little boy in the whole world. He is my heart.
  4. I will have been married to my husband for 10 years in 2016.
  5. We got married super young. I was 20 and he was 21.
  6. I love makeup and beauty because of its artistry. I love finding out what colors pair beautifully together and coming up with cohesive looks. I view faces as canvases and love making people feel their best.
  7. I lived in the same house for the first 20 years of my life.
  8. I dream frequently, and they’re always vivid and intense.
  9. I have a condition which makes it hard to stay pregnant and lost my first son at 20 weeks gestation. It took six months of strict bed rest, a procedure, and several other precautions to successfully give birth to my son.
  10. Regardless of the prior fact, we are ready to try again for another kiddo. It’s both exciting and terrifying.
  11. I have a lip product problem…my willpower is nonexistent when it comes to wanting more.
  12. I deal with moderate anxiety that used to be quite severe.
  13. I love all things paranormal.
  14. I would love to go ghost hunting/Bigfoot hunting/etc.
  15. Napping is my favorite hobby and I wish I could participate in it more often.
  16. I love to paint.
  17. I have a love/hate relationship with nature. I love it’s beauty, but hate feeling too hot or too cold. So basically, I love nature when it’s a perfect 65 degrees.
  18. I’m constantly breaking out into song and dance, especially at work.
  19. I suck at video games.
  20. I hate all sports.
  21. I love to go for drives. I find it very relaxing, especially when I’m the passenger.
  22. Speaking of driving, I’m a typical female driver. At least I admit it.
  23. I almost never feel embarrassed. I’m so awkward that I’ve become accustomed to uncomfortable situations.
  24. I’m a night owl.
  25. My husband and child say that I snore, but I don’t believe them. 😒
  26. I’m scared of deep water, mostly because of what could be lurking underneath.
  27. Fall is my favorite season.
  28. I don’t like living in a neighborhood, so it’s my goal to own land one day.
  29. I used to be quite good at riding horses and have a collection of ribbons to prove it. I hope to own a horse one day.
  30. Singing is another hobby of mine.
  31. I’m a terrible cook, but I’m a decent baker.
  32. I have a bit of wanderlust and wouldn’t mind moving every few years, but I wouldn’t want to uproot my child.
  33. I’m an ambivert. A person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features.
  34. I’m allergic to both cats and dogs, but own both.
  35. I hate seafood.
  36. I love unique music, so you’ll hardly ever catch me listening to the radio. Spotify is a lifesaver.
  37. I collect travel mugs for the coffee I’m always drinking.
  38. I’ve never broken a bone.
  39. I have 4 tattoos.
  40. I’m impulsive, and it gets me into trouble at times.
  41. I love scary movies/tv shows.
  42. My favorite color is yellow because it’s so bright and happy.
  43. I have pretty extreme road rage. This is mainly because I’m always running late.. Mornings are hard, ok?
  44. I’m a romantic. I love sweet surprises and when my husband goes out of his way to show me he loves me. Basically, this fact could have just been, “I’m a girl.” 😋
  45. I love to write. This blog has opened up a world to me that I desperately needed. I love expressing myself through written word.
  46. I laugh All. Day. Long. I surround myself with positive and funny people because I love finding humor in every day life.
  47. Interior decorating is enjoyable for me.
  48. I’ve never been outside the U.S.
  49. I seriously think I have a form of ADD. Ask my husband…
  50. I can’t sleep without some form of white noise, preferably a fan.

Whew! That was a lot harder than I thought it’d be. I hope you enjoyed finding out a little more about myself, and I’d love to learn more about you as well! I tag anyone and everyone to do this little challenge!

Stay weird, loves!


I figured a recent picture of myself would be an appropriate way to end this post..


Tester Tuesday: Becca Beach Tint Shimmer Soufflé 

I’m back with another product to test out for you! And yes, it’s another lip product.. Today I’ll be trying out Becca Cosmetic’s Beach Tint Shimmer Soufflé in the shade Watermelon/Opal. You can find this brand at your nearest Ulta, and these lip glosses retail for $24 each. Is that a lot to pay for a lip gloss? Yes, but just keep an open mind until the end of this review. Obvious spoiler: I freaking love this product!


This gloss comes with a flexible, rubber tipped applicator, and a click-to-release button on the opposite end. I find this much less messy than your typical, doe-foot applicator. On the box, it describes the product as follows; “A double dose of pigment and shimmer, this lightweight, marbled gloss melts beautifully into the lips. The satiny-soft texture drenches lips in hydrating color, while Brown Algae Extract smooths and softens for sophisticated shine that lasts for hours.” While I feel that description is needlessly flowery, I will say that I love the texture of this product. It stays put without feeling overly sticky. 

Now let’s talk about the color! You guys! Just look…




The last two pictures don’t do this shade justice. Becca Cosmetics is known for their infamous highlighters; Opal, Moonstone, Rose Gold, and Topaz. These lip tints combine beautiful color with one of their complimentary highlighters in gloss form. This reddish-pink, watermelon shade is paired with Opal, which is a golden-pearl highlight. Together, they create such a beautiful shade on the lips! I love the golden hue it gives! I honestly can’t say enough good things about it! It’s beautiful to wear on its own or over a lipstick for some extra oomph. Oh, it also smells like watermelon, which makes me a little hungry every time I apply it. I walked around making a pucker face today just to get my lips close enough to my nose so I could smell the deliciousness. Whatever, you’ve totally done the same thing!

So, in conclusion..


These get a huge thumbs up from yours truly!

As always, check out these three other amazingly talented bloggers for more quick reviews every Tuesday! I’m so lucky to be in such good company!

Kaily- Someday Sunny 

Katie- Plus+Beauty

Renee- BflyRenee

Stay weird!




March 2015 Favorites

Where’d ya go, March?  This month seriously sped by!  I feel like I just did my February favorites yesterday.  But here we are again!  I have to admit, my brain feels like the equivalent of TV static right now.  I’m going to power through and get this post out tonight.  Hopefully it will make sense in the end, but my hopes aren’t high.  Yours aren’t either now, are they?  Before I get started, I wanted to welcome any new followers and remind you all that you have three more days to enter my giveaway!  Read more about it here.  Okay, I just spent five minutes staring at the word “here” because I didn’t think it was spelled right.  My brain…wow…so dead…  Alright, let’s just dive in!

March 2015 Favorites 002First up is Philosophy’s “Fresh Cream” body lotion and perfume.  These retail for $17 and $38, respectively.  I received the lotion earlier in the month and dedicated an entire post to it here. Obviously, I had to purchase the accompanying perfume because I just can’t get enough of this scent!  I’m not sure everyone around me loves it as much as I do.  They keep asking “what’s baking?”  Or, “where are the cookies?”  Whatever.  If I want to smell like baked goods, that’s my prerogative!  Hmmph!

March 2015 Favorites 003Up next is Covergirl’s Ready, Set, Gorgeous foundation ($7.50) and Maybelline’s Instant Age Rewind concealer ($6.99).  With the warmer weather approaching, I just want my face to feel light and fresh.  This foundation is quite thin and liquid-y, but packs the punch of a full coverage product.  It lasts all day and feels weightless on the skin.  My only gripe is that the lightest shade I can find is still a smidge too dark for me: #palegirlprobs.  This concealer has been my go-to for literally years.  But paired with this foundation, it just looks beautiful.  Again, it’s a thin consistency, which is what I’m looking for this time of year.  The coverage is just spot on.  I’ve been using it under my eyes as a concealer/highlighter, and also to cover up any spots or stubborn discoloration.  With these two, my base is done in no time!

March 2015 Favorites 007 March 2015 Favorites 008Here we’ve got two beauties: The Too Faced “Natural Matte” palette ($36) and Wet n Wild’s “Comfort Zone” palette ($4.99).  Now, I know what you’re thinking…  Rachel, didn’t you just do a post about how the Tartelette palette is better than the Too Faced palette?  Yes…sort of.  I agree that they’re both amazing products, and you really do get more bang for your buck with the Tartelette palette.  BUT, I just can’t get enough of these particular shades.  If I’m in a hurry, I just sandwich “Cashmere Bunny” in between “Heaven” and I’m good to go.  It’s such an easy, beautiful look.  And the Wet n Wild palette has always been a winner in my book, I’ve just reached for it so often this past month.  The shadows are so blendable and lovely!  My favorite shadow to use on it’s own is the one in the bottom/right corner.  It’s basically a dupe for Mac’s “Blue/Brown” pigment.March 2015 Favorites 018Again, I’m into products that just make my life easier lately.  Benefit’s “Gimme Brow” ($22) does just that!  I just brush it on, and I’m out the door.  Well, you know, after the rest of my makeup is finished.  You know what I mean.

March 2015 Favorites 012 March 2015 Favorites 021Next up is Urban Decay’s original “Naked Flushed” cheek palette.  I have a love/hate relationship with this product.  I love the color of this blush, and I had to include it in my March favs because I’ve reached for it so much these past few weeks.  It’s a gorgeous color that matches so many eye looks.  So yes, this part of the product I love.  BUT, that’s where my love ends.  I dislike the bronzer just because it shows up far too orange-y on my skin. And the highlight would be beautiful, but it gets so muddied being sandwiched between the blush and bronzer.  It just ruins the integrity of the product due to the way it’s packaged.  Anyway….love the blush!  Haha!

March 2015 Favorites 022This picture focused strangely, didn’t it?  Oh well!  Anyway, here we’ve got the Moisturizing Antibacterial Facial Cleanser by Exuviance.  You can purchase it at Ulta for $35.  I received mine from a vendor during one of my trainings.  Last month, my skin had experienced a few bad breakouts.  Ever since I started using this cleanser, that has stopped!  Yay for clear skin!  Thanks, Exuviance!

March 2015 Favorites 033 March 2015 Favorites 034Hello, beautiful!  This is ColourPop’s “Lumiere” Lippie and Pencil.  Each retail for $5 (YES, FIVE DOLLARS!) at  For more swatches and my full review of their products, click here.  These above pictures don’t do this product justice.  It’s far more “purple” in real life.  I’ve worn it almost every day this month, and I’m not exaggerating.  It’s such a unique shade, and it lasts all day!  Lurve it!

March 2015 Favorites 037 March 2015 Favorites 038Alright, how about some lifestyle favorites?  I seriously don’t know where I’d be without my day planner.  I just picked it up at the beginning of the month, and I honestly don’t know how I survived without it.  I’m technologically challenged, which is ironic since I run a makeup blog, so this has been perfect for my life.  I think I may have to buy a larger one!

March 2015 Favorites 042As many of you know, I recently got another tattoo.  This makes number 4 for me.  If you’ve ever gotten one before, you know how annoying the healing stages can be.  I’m currently in the dry/cracking/wanttoitchmyarmoff stage.  Just talking about this makes me want to go into the garage, grab some nails, and scrape them across my tattoo for some relief.  UGH!  Polysporin has been a life savor!  My forearm is constantly shiny thanks to this guy.  It really helps the tattoo to retain as much moisture as possible, and it’s keeping my skin nice and healthy.

imageI’m going through a phase where music makes me melancholy.  I mean, I love music.  It’s a big part of my life, and I really do enjoy it 99% of the time.  But lately, it’s just made me feel sad.  I know it doesn’t make sense and I have no idea what’s going on with me, but I’ve counteracted that feeling by listening to the comedy station on Spotify.  Whenever I’m in my car, I’m laughing along with an invisible crowd to whatever comedian is streaming.  It’s awesome and it’s helped lift my spirits considerably.  You should try it for yourself!

And there we have it!  That’s all the favorites I could muster up for this quick month.  Before I end, I have to show you all some pictures I took of my little man.  Now, I’m no professional, but I love how some of these pictures turned out.  How precious is my child?

Spring Jackson 041 Spring Jackson 044Man, my kid’s cute!

Alright, friends, thank you SO MUCH for reading.  I appreciate you all!

Stay weird!



Tartelette VS Too Faced Natural Matte: Battle of the Palettes!


Oh, happy day!  The beauty world is embracing mattes!  I adore anything and everything matte.  Whether it be lipsticks, eyeshadows, or foundations, matte is always better in my book.  Lucky for me, Too Faced and Tarte have both come out with some stellar palettes these past few months!  In my opinion, matte shades tend to wear better throughout the day and are perfect for adding depth in eye looks.  As women get older, shimmer can cling to and accentuate wrinkles and fine lines.  Yet another reason why matte shadows look lovely and sophisticated on women of all ages.

So which brand takes home the prize of Best Matte Palette?  Let’s take a look at each product before making our final decision!

Tartelette Palette


Tartelette Palette and Snow Pictures 002

First Row (L to R): Free Spirit, Force of Nature, Dreamer, Multi-Tasker Second Row: Caregiver, Natural Beauty, Best Friend, Bombshell Third Row: Super Mom, Wanderer, Power Player, Fashionista

First Row (L to R): Free Spirit, Force of Nature, Dreamer, Multi-Tasker Second Row: Careiver, Natural Beauty, Best Friend, Bombshell Third Row: Super Mom, Wanderer, Power Player, Fashionista

First Row (L to R): Free Spirit, Force of Nature, Dreamer, Multi-Tasker
Second Row: Careiver, Natural Beauty, Best Friend, Bombshell
Third Row: Super Mom, Wanderer, Power Player, Fashionista


  • Twelve highly pigmented shades
  • Sturdy, compact case, which is great for travel
  • Palette is well-rounded (contains both a highlight and black/dark brown shade for a complete eye look)
  • Shades are visibly labelled (with cute feminine, empowering names)
  • Palette has a large, self-standing mirror
  • Shadows create very little fallout
  • Part of Tarte Cosmetics permanent collection


  • Some shades are a bit streaky, which means you have to work a little harder to blend
  • Shades more on the “cool” spectrum

Too Faced Natural Matte Palette


too faced 002


First Row (L to R): Heaven, Cashmere Bunny, Sexpresso Second Row: Lace Teddy, Strapless, Risque Third Row: Nudie, Honey Butter, Chocolate Cookie

First Row (L to R): Heaven, Cashmere Bunny, Sexpresso
Second Row: Lace Teddy, Strapless, Risque
Third Row: Nudie, Honey Butter, Chocolate Cookie


  • Nine highly pigmented shades
  • Sturdy case for traveling
  • Shades visibly labeled (with sassy names!)
  • Contains “how to” guide for putting together eyeshadow looks
  • Shadows blend together beautifully


  • Shades more on the “warm” spectrum
  • Some shades are powdery, which create fallout
  • Six of the shadows are quite small
  • Palette contains very small mirror
  • Palette does not contain a deep brown or black

So how do you choose?  Honestly, I love each of these palettes.  They both have fantastic qualities, but I think we have a clear leader here.


And the winner is…..THE TARTELETTE PALETTE!

You just get more bang for your buck with this beauty.  You can create a wider range of looks with it, and the pros outweigh the cons by a long shot.

I hope you found this review helpful.  Have a great weekend, friends!

Stay weird!


P.S.- Thank God for my employee discount. 😉


Need a laugh? Read about my life!

I have to say, today was one for the books.  Truthfully, this whole week has been.  Let me preface these next couple of stories by saying that I live a very unusual life.  Unusual in the sense that weird people and events are drawn to me, like a magnet.  My co-worker recently said that if she wasn’t there to physically witness some of the things that happen to me, she wouldn’t believe they actually occurred.  But they do, friends…They do.  They are widely referred to as “Rachel Moments.”  I truly believe that I would make any television network successful just by allowing them to film my every day life.  I’m not saying that to brag, it’s just that my life is entertaining..but usually at my own expense.  Here are some examples that have truthfully happened within the past seven days.

1. The iPad Punch

This story has been told in an earlier post, but I felt it was worth another mention so as to give you all a better idea of why my life is a literal comedy.  So my husband and I were lying in bed the other night watching a documentary on the iPad.  I was holding the iPad slightly above my face at an angle that both my husband and I could see the screen.  About halfway through the movie, I noticed the battery was about to die.  The charger was lying on the floor next to my side of the bed, so I reached down to grab it while still holding on to the iPad.  I lost my grip, and it pelted me right in the mouth.  My tooth cut into my lip, and it immediately started to bleed.  I sat up, dripping blood all over me trying to process what had just happened.  My husband just starred at my gaping wound for a second before running to retrieve a towel and ice.  Even though I iced it for a good hour or so, I still had a fat, bruised lip the next morning.  In fact, it’s still bruised four days later.  I’ve worn dark lipstick every day in order to hide it, but my lovely coworkers have told me the bruise is still visible.  Awesome.

unfortunate12. The Unfortunate Customer

I was near the cash registers at work when a rather large lady walked into the store with a return.  Trust me, it’s important that I say she was overweight, and you’ll understand why in a minute.  She came up to me and said she needed to exchange a skin care product.  She showed me the product, which was a facial moisturizer.  She then asked if I could tell she was allergic to it.  Noticing her face seemed more than a bit puffy, I confidently asked her if it made her face swell.  Aaaaaaand, insert foot in mouth!  She just looked at me, appalled, and said that it had actually just given her a slight rash on her cheeks.  Sorry I inadvertently called you fat, ma’am!  Sometimes I just suck at communicating.  Lesson learned, treat these kinds of situations with the utmost care.  Better yet, just play dumb and let them explain.

unfortunate23. Public Indecency

We recently got a new dog, Pixie, who is still very puppy-like.  She really is a (mostly) good girl, but lately she’s been having a few accidents in the house.  This has made me hyper aware of her behavior, and any time I think she may have to go potty, I run outside with her.  Such was the case early this morning.  She hopped off the bed and started sniffing around.  Now, I’m one to only sleep in a tank top and underwear because our house gets quite hot at night.  I didn’t think I had time to throw on sweatpants, so I ran to the front door with her and just shoved her outside.  Just for reference, we live in a pretty decent sized neighborhood.  So I’m watching her through the window next to the door, and she’s just standing there staring at me.  I’m frustrated and just want her to do her business so I can go back to bed.  I reach my leg out the door, yelling “go potty!” thinking that will give her the hint to walk down the steps and into the yard.  Nope.  Begrudgingly, I sneak onto the porch, pulling my tank top down over my behind and walk down with her.  She happily follows me, but still won’t pee.  I walk a little further into the yard, hoping I can fool whoever is looking into thinking my obvious shirt just could be a…dress?  Yeah, probably not.  All of a sudden, I hear a man and woman talking.  It’s this young, fit couple going for a jog just yards away from me.  Of course, I panic and start to walk backwards all while trying not to draw attention to myself.  Just as they’re almost past my driveway, I trip over the bottom porch step and fall backwards.  This causes me to release my tank top which springs back up around my stomach, showing my bright pink underwear.  The couple gapes at me silently as they scurry away.  Hey, neighbors!

unfortunate34. Dirty Old Man

This last story occurred this very afternoon!  A middle-aged man who was shopping with his wife approached me, asking if we carried “hedge trimmers.”  Immediately, I’m on guard.  My “weird customer” sensor is going berzerk in my head.  He explains that he’s been cutting his beard with dog clippers, and he wants to buy an actual beard trimmer.  I walk him over to that section of our store, and out of nowhere he asks if I can do “this.”  He starts to flex his pectorals, one after the other.  Without missing a beat, I say “No, but I can do THIS!”  And I show him how I can repeatedly flare my nostrils.  I have to say that his expression was one of pure astonishment!  He breathily exclaims, “Wow…that’s so sexy.”  Playing along, I tell him that this is something I already knew.  He then asks if it’s how I get “all the guys,” and I tell him it’s how I snagged my husband.  Thank you, sir, for an interaction that I’ll never forget!


Alright, so are any movie producers reading this?  Am I eligible for my own reality t.v. show yet?  I’ll be eagerly waiting for someone to contact me, because how can people NOT be amused by my strange little life?  Alright, time to go and disconnect from the real world for a bit, but I’m positive there will be more Rachel Moments to share with you soon..

Stay weird!



ColourPop Cosmetics Swatchopalooza!

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I’m officially part of the ColourPop Cosmetics club!  There has been so much hype surrounding this brand as of late, and I had to get my hands on it myself!  I purchased fifteen items this time around in order to get a true feel for the quality of their products.  That may seem like a lot, but at around $5 an item you definitely get your money’s worth!  Before I start swatching like a mad woman, let me tell you a bit about the products.  The shadows and blushes are unlike anything I’ve ever worked with before.  They have a soft, mousse-like consistency and need to be closed tightly after each use in order to keep them from drying out.  Because of their texture, they are best applied with your fingers.  That may seem a bit scary at first, but I was able to apply a few shades on my eyes using my index and middle fingers, and they blended together perfectly.  I did the same with the blush, and it blended out evenly on my cheeks.  I’ve heard that you can use brushes with these products as well, but synthetic hairs work best and it may take a little building up to get your desired opacity.  The lip products are amazing.  I’m in love with the colors I purchased.  They’re smooth, creamy, and have decent lasting power.  I do recommend using the corresponding lip liner with the brighter shades to achieve a crisp, even application.

Enough with the chatter!  Let’s dig in!

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This eye shadow is adorably named “I Heart This.”  It’s a light golden color that contains small glitter particles.  I envision using this as either a wash of color all over the lid, or a pop of shimmer in the center of the eye.

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The next shadow is named “Eye Candy” and is an ultra shimmery, mid-toned pink.  So beautiful!

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Next up is “Meow,” my favorite eye shadow of the bunch.  It’s got pink, silver, and dark grey shimmers marbled together.  When you swirl your finger over the top, you get the above color.  I’d describe it as a deep, iridescent taupe.

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The last three shadows I bought are all mattes.  This is “Bill.” A pinky-mauve color that would work amazingly in the crease.

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Here we have “Hanky Panky.”  While I love the name, this is the one shadow I’m unsure about for my skin tone.  I feel  the light, warm brown may wash me out a bit, but hopefully I can make it work!

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The last shadow we have is “Girl Crush.”  It’s a bit like “Bill,” but a smidge darker.  Again, it’s going to be a great crease color!  Perhaps I’ll pair it with “Meow?”  Ooh, la la!

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Here’s a picture of all the shadows swatched side-by-side.  From left to right, we have: I Heart This, Meow, Eye Candy, Bill, Hanky Panky, and Girl Crush.  As you can see, the first three are extremely shimmery.  I’m not one to normally go for glittery shadows, but they’re so pretty that I had to make an exception.

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On to the blushes!  I only bought two of these, but I’m loving the shades.  They are perfect, every day blushes that I know I’ll be using often.  First up is “Between The Sheets,” which is a matte peachy-pink.

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Second is “Birthday Suit.”  It’s a gorgeous, wearable pink that’s right up my alley.

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We have arrived at my favorite portion of the hall.  The lip products!  To which, I have a serious addiction to.  Seriously, you should see my collection.  What’s seven more, am I right?  Well anyway, first up is the “Lumiere” lippie and lip pencil.  Can I just say that I hate the word “lippie?”  Well, I do.  ColourPop, so far this is my only gripe…  Moving on!  Lumiere is a lovely, matte mauve/dusty rose color.  Many have described it as the perfect Kylie Jenner lip shade, and I’d have to agree.  It seems like it’d be her jam!  I still barely know who Kylie Jenner is…sorry kids, but I’m not that cool.

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You’re looking at the “Frieda” set, which is described as a warm, nude pink.  Again, it’s perfect for every day wear.

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Here we have “Button.”  It’s a wearable peach with a satin finish.  I can’t wait to wear it this summer!  I didn’t buy the matching lip pencil, because this seemed like a color I could get away with using on its own.  Hopefully that will be the case!

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Lastly, here is “I Heart This” lippie/lip pencil duo.  Look at that color!  It’s a matte, red-based fuchsia.  I actually took a picture wearing this one, but I was looking a little rough after a long day at work.  Instead, I think I’ll do a look with these products and post a tutorial in the near future.  That’ll make up for it, right?

We’ve reached the end of the haul!  So sad!  I have to say, I can’t find a fault in these products as of yet.  They’re priced right, super pigmented, blend effortlessly, and seem to have great staying power.  In fact, my arm is still stained from the row of shadow swatches I did earlier in the evening.  Have you tried out ColourPop Cosmetics yet?  If so, what are your thoughts?

Stay weird, friends!


P.S.-If you haven’t already seen, I’m now on Bloglovin’!  Look for the “Follow Me On Bloglovin'” Button on the bottom/right side of the screen!