The Awkward Addict



Tester Tuesday: Benefit They’re Real! Push-Up Eyeliners (Killer Colors)

It’s the third day of the week! That means another installment of Tester Tuesday! I’m pretty excited of the product(s) I’ll be featuring today. Everyone is familiar with Benefit’s original They’re Real! line, which contains their black, volumizing mascara and black, lash-hugging gel eyeliner. As of yesterday, June 1st, the company launched their color line in these two products! In addition to the black, the mascara now comes in brown and blue! The eyeliner, which I’ll be discussing today, can now be found in brown, purple, green, and blue.


I was given these to try out from a Benefit representative, but they will be available to purchase in store on June 26th. They are sold individually and retail for $24.

Now, if you’re unfamiliar with the concept behind these liners, let me give you a quick run-down. They are made with an innovative, lash-hugging, flexible applicator. To dispense the product, remove the orange “cap” and begin turning, or “clicking,” the bottom of the liner until you see the gel emerge. You will need to click it quite a few times initially to push the liner out.


Don’t look at my horrible nails. I SAID DON’T! Anyway, you only need the teensiest of gel to create your eyeliner. Seriously, a little goes a long way. I always end up wiping off a bit of product on my hand before each use because more comes out than needed.

Want to see the pretty colors? Here you go!


I took a picture of the swatches outdoors, indoors, and on white paper. Hopefully that gives you a clear view of the shades.


  • The colors really are beautiful, and it’s fun to play around with looks using these eyeliners.
  • Once you get that perfect shape, your liner isn’t budging until you take it off with remover.
  • The gel “pen” packaging makes them super travel-friendly.


  • If you end up using too much product, it can flake. See below picture for an example of this:


All I did here was rub my hand lightly over the swatches a few times. Mind you, most people won’t be touching their eyes once their makeup is applied, but I figured I’d include this as a downfall anyway. I have had this happen during my initial application when I went over the same area more than once while trying to make an even line.

  • You end up wasting product when you constantly have to wipe away the excess before using.
  • This product takes practice. Don’t expect to master this liner the first time you use it.
  • Feels heavy on the eyelid.

So should you buy them?

If you loved the original They’re Real! Push-Up Liner, then definitely. It’s the same product you love, just in new, fun colors! If you’re looking for a beginner-friendly eyeliner product, then I might recommend going into a store and playing with a tester first to see if it’s something you’re comfortable with using.


As for me, I kind of feel like going into a small rage when I use these eyeliners. They take far too much work for me. For this look I played around with the Beyond Purple shade on my top lid. After TWENTY MINUTES of trying to get crisp, even lines, I ended up with what’s pictured above. That made for a very irritated Rachel. I’ll be real with you..I really, really wanted to like these, but I just don’t. I’d rather give you my honesty than just serve you a bunch of fluff. And by the way, I looked like a crazy person running down my driveway in my pajamas trying to catch the light in order to photograph this look. But I own that crazy, girl! Anything for you lovelies!

Hopefully this little review helped! I love that the cosmetic world is having more fun with color lately. I feel like I’m back in the late nineties when I used to sport my blue mascara on a daily basis. Man, I was cool! I wasn’t..

As per usual, don’t forget to check out the blog posts of the other, amazing Tester Tuesday ladies! Click the links below to see what products they’re testing out today!

Kaily- Someday Sunny

Katie- Plus+Beauty

Renee- BflyRenee

Stay Weird!



Quick MOTD

Today, my friends, I felt like a badass. A few factors contributed to this feeling. One, I wore my infamous pleather pants. Two, I’ve recently fallen even more in love with my forearm tattoo, so I made sure to wear a 3/4 length sleeve to show that puppy off today. Three, I recently had some darkness added to the underside of my blonde hair by a stylist friend. I like to think it represents my hidden, dark nature…or something. And four, I sported a bright, bold makeup look tonight. All those little tidbits combined really helped my inner tough girl blossom. This is all quite ironic because I am the least intimidating person I know. It’s all smoke and mirrors, but that can be our little secret.

I thought I’d share that bright makeup look tonight with a quick breakdown of the products used. Hope you enjoy and perhaps gain some inspiration from it yourself. Go out and be bold!



  • Stila Stay All Day 10-in-1 HD Illuminating Beauty Balm
  • Tarte Amazonian Clay Foundation in Fair Beige
  • Maybelline New York Master Conceal in Fair
  • Pixie Bronzer in Summerime
  • Tarte Blush in Classic
  • Cornstarch to set, as per usual


  • Lorac Pro Contour Palette (Yes, it’s for the face..but I’m a badass and I break the rules, remember?)
  • Ulta Gel Eyeliner in Aqua
  • Benefit Roller Lash
  • Anastasia Brow Wiz in Taupe


  • Colourpop Lip Liner in I Heart This
  • Bite Beauty Lipstick in Palomino

See? I told you that was quick! The next time you do your makeup, have some fun with color! Whatever you choose to apply, just wear it confidently!

Stay weird!


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September 2014 Favorites

Let me just start by saying how happy I am that I have the day off tomorrow.  We have a “big wig” coming in, which caused everyone to be in quite the tizzy trying getting the store picture perfect for the visit.  Seven hours of running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and there was still more to do.  It didn’t help that I knocked over an entire display of nail polish, shattering one all over the floor.  Tip: If you pour sugar over spilled nail polish, it makes it much easier to clean up.  You know…if you ever randomly need that little life hack.  But yes, I’m so looking forward to kicking back tomorrow and enjoying my freshly shampooed carpets!  Oh, you read that right!  We completely cleaned all of the floors in the house tonight.  Isn’t that exciting!  Isn’t it?  Guys….?  You know you’re getting older when a clean house just does it for you.  Anyway, on to the real content..

Whew, GIRL!  This month has flown by!  It’s been a month of old reliables and new treasures.  I’m still not completely sure if this is something people find interesting or not, but I enjoy reading what other people are using and loving in the beauty world.  It gives me ideas on what to try in the upcoming season.  Read on to see some of my makeup, hair, and lifestyle favorites of the last few weeks.

1. Covergirl 3-in-1 Stay Fabulous foundation.


Mine is obviously very loved.  I keep trying out new foundations, but I always go back to this one.  It stays in place all day and keeps my oil in check.  Also, it’s a medium to full coverage, which is right up my alley.  Way to step up your game, Covergirl!  So many people have been buzzing about it lately, including my favorite YouTube Vlogger, Sharon Farrell.  Check out her video on it here:

2. Pssssst! Dry Shampoo


Not only is this product fun to say (imagine explaining the name to customers), but it works better than all of the high-end salon brands I’ve tried.  I use this product every other day in between washes.  It spruces up my hair and gets rid of the extra oil.  PLUS, it’s been around since the 70’s!  Any product that’s been around for decades must have gotten something right..

3. Queen Helene’s Grape Seed Extract Peel Off Masque


I’m not going to lie…the reason I love this product so much is because I really enjoy peeling things.  I pretend I’m a snake shedding off a layer of skin on my face.  It freaks my husband and child out, which is a total bonus.  It does make my skin feel nice and soft after, so I suppose that’s another upside.

4. Loreal Revitalift Triple Power Day Cream and Sunscreen


Ugh, that glare!  I really am a crappy photographer.  You’ll all just have to get used to that fact.  Anyway, this lotion is fantastic.  It’s got an SPF of 30, it doesn’t over-moisturize, and it smells amazing.  All good things.

5. Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser


I’ve probably repurchased this product a dozen times.  It conceals my dark circles with one swipe, and it doesn’t settle into the lines around my eyes.  It’s a thin concealer, but it has such great coverage.  How do you do it, Maybelline?  Sorcery?

6. L’Oreal Voluminous Butterfly Mascara and Tarte Lights, Camera, Flashes Mascara


I’ve already talked about how much I love the Tarte mascara, but I don’t always want to pay the high cost for it.  A great drugstore dupe is L’Oreal’s Butterfly mascara.  It has just as much impact at half the price.  Either way, they’re both the bees knees.

7. L’Oreal EverCreme Nourishing Shampoo & Conditioner


Wow, these pictures keep getting worse…  Anyway, these products have also been repurchased many times.  They’re sulfate free, which is hard to find in the drugstore section.  They give me just the right amount of moisture without making my hair oily.  Also, they smell like vanilla.  Yum!

8. Benefit Foamingly Clean Facial Cleanser


I just love this cleanser.  I had gotten what I thought was a dupe for it in this past month’s Ipsy bag, but after some use it just didn’t compare with the original.  This product makes my skin feel so amazingly clean.  What more could you ask for in a cleanser?

9. Coldstone Sweet Cream Coffee Creamer and Archer Farms Vanilla Bean Crème Brulee K-Pods



Mornings are hard.  Like, really hard.  These friends help me get through the most wretched part of the day.  I’d even thank them from stage if I ever won an Oscar.  They mean that much to me.

10. Forever 21 bracelet


This little guy makes even the dullest work outfit feel snazzy.  I’ve been wearing it non-stop this month.

11. Nellie


Meet Nellie, my cat.  This picture doesn’t do her justice.  She just may be the fattest, most cuddly cat in the world.  She’s my favorite all the time, but I figured I’d give her a little cameo for this month.  Isn’t she precious?  The answer is “yes.”

That’s all for this month!  I already know I left a few things out, but overall this was a pretty good compilation of what my go-to’s have been lately.  I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week, and I should be back in a day or so with another review.  Lucky you!

Stay weird!


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Ipsy Glam Bag September 2014

Today….Today has been a day.  I worked at Corporate Makeup Land World all day today and may have been the one responsible for having our entire section of the marketplace shopping center evacuate the strip mall.  Let me explain.  We had been getting these odd prank phone calls all afternoon, and the last one had been rather threatening.  Honestly, I believe it was just some kids joking around, but because of the nature of the call I decided to call the non-emergency police line and just give them the low down on the situation.  Here’s how the conversation went down:

Me: Hi, I’m a manager at Corporate Makeup Land World and we have been getting quite a few strange phone calls.

Police: What’s the nature of the phone calls?

Me: Well, the last one seemed kind of ominous, but I’m SURE it’s just kids messing around.  I just wanted to give you the heads up..

Police: You need to evacuate your store immediately.

Me: But..but…but…Are you sure we need to do that? I really think it’s just some sort of prank.  We have people literally sitting with hair dye processing in their hair and someone’s getting a facial..annnnd..AAAND.. ::heavy, panicky breathing::

Police: Doesn’t matter, it’s not your call now.  Evacuate immediately.  What’s a number we can call you back on?

Me: I’m going to have to Google it.

Police: No, what’s your store’s number?

Me: I have no idea, I’m panicking and I can’t think of it right now.  I have to Google it!

Police: There’s no time for Googling! Just give me your cell number.

Me: I don’t know that either right now!  I’m freaking out!

Police:  ::sigh:: Just evacuate.  *We both hang up.*

Long story short, our whole section of the area spent about 1.5 hours in the parking lot while the police, fire department, and search dogs thoroughly inspected each store.  They didn’t find anything, thank goodness.  I know the call needed to be made, but I kept looking around in amazement and awe thinking, “I’m the one responsible for all of this.  Oh. My. God.”  Oh, and the Local News came out as well.  Just a day in the life!

Alright, what was this post supposed to be about?  Ipsy!  Yes!  For those of you who aren’t aware, Ipsy is a subscription bag that costs $10/month.  It contains 4-5 personalized beauty products as well as a small, themed makeup bag.

ipsy4ipsy3September’s Glam Bag theme was “Street Style.”  My contents were the following: A Crown Brush Infinity Shadow/Crease Brush Duet, a Pacifica Waterproof Eye Pencil in the color “Gun Metal,” a Cailyn Art Touch Tinted Lip Gloss in the color “Love Affair,” a Mitchell and Peach Luxury Hand Cream, and a Nourish Organic Cream Facial Cleanser.  Here are my thoughts on each:

ipsy14ipsy6ipsy5Love it!  It’s bristles are sturdy, yet soft.  It’s kind of a one-stop-shop kind of brush in the sense that you can almost complete your entire eye look with this one little guy!  The larger side is good for laying down shadow, as well as blending.  The smaller side is perfect for detail work and smudging out shadow along the lash lines.  ::Applause:: for Crown Brush!

ipsy8Honestly, I’m unimpressed.  It dragged on my eye when I went to apply it, and wiped away easily.  Waterproof Shmoterproof..  I think I’ll stick with my Urban Decay 24/7 liners or Ulta’s Gel Pencil Liners (holy grail!).  No thanks, Pacifica, but I do enjoy your specialty bath line!

ipsy9ipsy10ipsy11This product was…alright.  It applied thinly and did not leave a sticky film on my lips.  That being said, it also didn’t last long due to it’s consistency.  I find that the stickier the gloss, the longer it lasts.  I could “feel” it on my lips for about 45 minutes, and then it left a slight reddish/pinkish stain behind.  If you’re looking for a lip product that gives just a hint of color, you might be interested in trying this out.  I, on the other hand, want my lip products to “wow” me.  This didn’t do that for me.  Shucks.

  • Mitchell and Peach Luxury Hand Cream Full-Size retails for…blah..blah…

ipsy12It’s hand cream.  ::yawn::

ipsy13I have to say, I did not expect to love this product as much as I did!  How can a product be moisturizing AND leave my skin feeling like a shiny, brand-new penny?  I don’t know, but Nourish Organics did it!  I almost want to compare it to Benefit’s Foamingly Clean Facial Wash, but I may like this product better.  It didn’t remove all of my eye makeup, but I wore as much as a french whore today.  I guess I can’t expect it to work miracles.  I would definitely consider purchasing the full size when I run out of this deluxe sample.

WHEW!  That’s it!  This bag was about 50/50 for me.  I still feel that Ipsy is a fantastic way to try out products for a very reasonable price.  Can’t wait to see what next month brings!

Stay weird!


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Mega Lashes and Marital Clashes

While growing up, I always had this strange habit of making weird faces at people.  In fact, I still do.  I like to see just how ugly I can get my face to look.  My mom used to try and scare me by using the old cliche, “If you keep making that face, it’ll get stuck that way!”  I didn’t care.  I lived on the edge.  The wild side, if you will.  I’m honestly not sure why I do it, other than the fact that I find it hilarious.  But I was thinking today…what if my face actually got stuck in one of my grotesque expressions?  Like THIS:

tarte4Or THIS:

tarte5I’m just saying, that would be pretty intense.  Do you want to know an evil little secret?  I get extreme satisfaction out of terrorizing my poor, sweet husband.  Sometimes, if I’m the first one awake, I like to throw one one of these contorted looks and wait for my husband to wake.  That way, THAT’S the first thing he sees.  MUAHAHAHAHAHA!  Living with me is a complete nightmare joy, I’m sure.  I’m lucky he loves me as much as he does.

Ok, enough dilly-dallying.  On to the point of this post!  I have found my holy grail when it comes to my eyelashes.  I bought this combination a few weeks ago, and I honestly don’t know where it’s been all my life.  Well, it’s been at the store..but I just didn’t know about it.  It’s Tarte’s Picture Perfect Eyelash Curler ($19 at and accompanying mascara, Lights, Camera, Flashes ($23 for full-size at


They. Are. AMAZING!  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the mascara at first, but I’ve grown to love it!  It plumps up my lashes in one coat, and definitely adds a good amount of length.  The best part about it is how it applies-smoothly and evenly and without clumping.  I feel it’s quite hard to find a decent volumizing mascara that doesn’t get “blobby.”  That’s not a word.

tarte3Now, on to the lash curler.  I always figured that every eyelash curler basically did the same thing.  I never thought that one could outperform the other.  I was wrong.  Tarte’s Picture Perfect Eyelash Curler evenly curls every single lash.  It doesn’t tug at my lash line, and it doesn’t take much pressure on the handle to achieve a decent curl.  My old lash curler seemed to unevenly “kink” my lashes instead of curling them.  I also had to go over each eye repeatedly with the tool to get the look I desired.  I’m honestly so thrilled.

tarte2Here are some before and after pictures:

No mascara.

No mascara.

No mascara.

No mascara.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

Mind you, this is with one coat of mascara.  Good job, Tarte!  I’m impressed!  Also, I think it’s ironic that I’m wearing a Benefit “They’re Real” shirt in these pictures.  Oh, the irony!  Anyway, give this combo a try the next time you’re at Ulta or Sephora.  Or skip the wait and go to!  You won’t be disappointed.

Stay weird!



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Just Call Me Harvey Dent


“If you’re gonna be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.” -Marilyn Monroe

I’m just going to go ahead and admit that I have no idea if Miss Monroe actually said that.  According to Tumblr, she did.  So, I suppose we can go ahead and count it as fact.  Anyway, both of these eye looks were created (mainly) with the Lorac Pro Palette 2.  And, Oo-De-Lally!  This palette is gorgeous! 










I’m a manager at corporate makeup princess-land (not actual name), so I get a fairly decent discount.  I went ahead and bought this palette the day it was released, and I haven’t been disappointed.  The texture of these shadows is perfection: Buttery, highly-pigmented, not chalky, little fall-out…::sigh::…Just perfection.  The other products used are some of my go-to’s.  If you’d like to learn how to recreate each look, then keep on reading, friends!


1st Look: “The RAWR!”


Now, I realize this look is not wearable on most counts.  The beauty of makeup is that you can pick and choose aspects of a look to recreate!  Honestly, there are no rules.  Pair this eye look with a nude or red lip instead, if you’d like.  If you want to create it in all it’s integrity, here are the things you’ll need.



  • Benefit The Pore-fessional primer *not pictured*
  • Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 Foundation in “Ivory” (#805) *not pictured*
  • Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser (Concealer) in “Fair” *not pictured*
  • Too-Face Bronzer in “Chocolate”
  • Urban Decay Blush in “Flushed”


  • Lorac Behind The Scene’s Eyeshadow Primer
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Snow” (brow bone highlight)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Silver” (first half of moving lid)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Charcoal” (second half of moving lid/crease)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Black” (outer “V” definition/outer crease)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Lt. Brown” (top of crease/blend)
  • Lorac Front of the Line Liquid Eyeliner in “Black” (winged eyeliner) *not pictured*
  • Tarte Mascara in “Lights, Camera, Flashes” (2 coats top and bottom)
  • Ulta Gel Eyeliner in “black” (tight line/water line)
  • Urban Decay 24/7 VVelvet Glide-On Eye Pencil in “Plushie” (lower liner)
  • Urban Decay Shadow in “Ecstasy” (over “Plushie”)


  • Mac Lipstick in “Heroine”


  • Ulta Brow Pencil in “Brunette”

*A little tip for this look: If you’d like the strong angles on the eyes and cheeks, use Scotch tape.  Remove the tape after the product is applied, and you’ll get a perfect, crisp line.

2nd Look: Neutral Nellie


This has been my every day makeup for quite some time now.  It’s easy, pretty, and something I really don’t have to think about when I have to get ready in a hurry.  Here are the tools.



  • Benefit The Pore-fessional primer *not pictured*
  • Covergirl Outlast Stay Fabulous 3-in-1 Foundation in “Ivory” (#805) *not pictured*
  • Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Eraser (Concealer) in “Fair” *not pictured*
  • Too-Face Bronzer in “Bronzed & Poreless”
  • Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush in “Luminous Flush”


  • Lorac Behind The Scene’s Eyeshadow Primer
  • Naked Basic’s 2 Shadow in “Skimp” (brow bone highlight)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Beige” (moving lid)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Nectar” (blended crease)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Mocha” (defined crease)
  • Lorac Pro 2 Shadow in “Cocoa” (top liner)
  • Tarte Mascara in “Lights, Camera, Flashes” (one coat top and bottom)


  • NYX Retractable Lip Liner in “MPL 06 Nude Pink”
  • NYX Butter Lipstick in “BLS16 Fun Size”
  • Rimmel Show Off Lip Lacquer in “Nude Eclipse”


  • Benefit Gimme Brow in “Light/Medium”

Let’s just take a moment to admire this palette one. last. time.

makeup13You’re welcome.  Cheers.
