The Awkward Addict


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Creepy Ventriloquist Dummy Tutorial

Halloween is just around the corner, and I know that sexy costumes are all the rage these days.  Sexy doctor, sexy fireman, sexy nurse…you name it!  The only problem is, they have all been done before.  I mean, talk about unoriginal!  Ladies, have I got you covered because I can guarantee you that nobody has ever tried to dress up as a sexy ventriloquist dummy!  Ha!  You’ll be the talk of the party, for sure!  You can thank me after this quick tutorial…

1. Make your face GHOST white.  This was not hard for me to achieve.

Ventriloquist 002Oooh!  So hot already!

2. Apply light blue eyeshadow on your lids, blending out through the crease.  Then, make a rounded shape with your eyes using black eyeliner.  Leave a space between the lower eyelashes.  Fill in the negative space with white, including the lower water line.

Ventriloquist 008Sultry!

3. Fill in your eyebrows, unnaturally, using a brown liquid liner.  Round the front of the brow and taper to a point.

Ventriloquist 011Ow ow!!

Ventriloquist 012

4. Carve out your nose, cheeks (especially apples), and smile lines using grey eyeshadow.  Also, shade around your temple, hairline, and jaw using the same shadow.  Apply a pink blush in a circle on the apples of your cheeks.

Ventriloquist 013 Ventriloquist 015 I can feel the other girls getting jealous…

5. Create a creepy sultry over-drawn pout with red lip liner.  Ventriloquist 026 Ventriloquist 027

6. Lastly, add your finishing touches!  This includes your freckles, fake hair, and moveable jaw lines.Ventriloquist 030 Ventriloquist 034 Ventriloquist 042 Ventriloquist 043Simply ravishing!  Good luck fighting the fellas off with this getup!  Anyway, I said you could thank me after the tutorial…so, you’re welcome.

I actually used to have a dummy when I was a kid.  I went through a weird stage (one of many) where I wanted to be a ventriloquist.  My parents got me Lester, the dummy, for Christmas one year and I practiced with him every night.  I was actually getting pretty decent at my act until this one fateful day when I read a certain Goosebumps book called Night of the Living Dummy.


It was about a kid who found a dummy that came alive at night and tried to kill him and his family.  Fantastic reading material for a 10-year-old.  Well, after that…Lester had to go.  I couldn’t handle his creepy gaze from atop my bookshelf any longer!  R.I.P, Lester.  I was such a strange child…

Well, anyway, I hope you found this tutorial useful.  Psh, who am I kidding?  You’re going to love this costume!  Happy Halloween, sexy mamas!

Stay weird!


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4-Year-Old Makeup Artist

I had the idea today to let my 4-year-old do my makeup.  He loves art and is always trying to get his hands on all the colorful things in my collection.  Little did I know, I had been raising a tiny prodigy.  His work is more on the editorial/runway side of the spectrum rather than the commercial side.  He chose to do a bold, blue eye paired with an autumn berry lip.  So vogue.




I feel these pictures do not do the finished look justice, but at least you have a little glimpse of his masterpiece.

I was lucky enough to get my picture taken with the artist afterwards.  I’m honored and humbled that he took the time to pose with me.  He is a busy, busy little man, after all.


I did get the whole process on video.  So if you’d like to watch the art unfold, then click the link below.

Warning:  WORST video quality EVER.  Sorry.
