The Awkward Addict



Remember the 90’s song, “Sunscreen?” This post is kind of like that…ish.

I’m feeling some guilt tonight. I’ve kind of been hoarding some life tips I’ve gathered throughout my 29 years. I feel I’ve done the world a disservice, and I want to remedy that. I’ll even illustrate them with photos. Do you have your notes ready? Fantastic!

1. Hobbies are important.


Make sure you choose activities that help you feel fulfilled and enlightened. I recommend “Hoppy Frog.”

2. If you’re in a relationship, be sure to spice things up every now and again.


Unfortunately, my husband does not agree that communicating through a Hulk finger puppet qualifies as spicing things up. How sad for me.

3. There’s nothing quite like spending time with close friends.


Meet Sadie. She is one of my personal bffs. She is loyal and kind, but has an off-putting smell and can be rather annoying. It’s essential to take both the good as well as the bad in relationships.

4. Look for the positive in life.


You know…keep a “glass half full” perspective.

5. Try new things.


New looks included. It’s never too late to create a whole new you. You go girl!

Well, I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much wisdom all at once. I know it’s a lot to take in. I hope you enjoyed these little nuggets, even though it’s a far cry from my usual content. Have a good evening, lovelies!

Stay weird!


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Mega Lashes and Marital Clashes

While growing up, I always had this strange habit of making weird faces at people.  In fact, I still do.  I like to see just how ugly I can get my face to look.  My mom used to try and scare me by using the old cliche, “If you keep making that face, it’ll get stuck that way!”  I didn’t care.  I lived on the edge.  The wild side, if you will.  I’m honestly not sure why I do it, other than the fact that I find it hilarious.  But I was thinking today…what if my face actually got stuck in one of my grotesque expressions?  Like THIS:

tarte4Or THIS:

tarte5I’m just saying, that would be pretty intense.  Do you want to know an evil little secret?  I get extreme satisfaction out of terrorizing my poor, sweet husband.  Sometimes, if I’m the first one awake, I like to throw one one of these contorted looks and wait for my husband to wake.  That way, THAT’S the first thing he sees.  MUAHAHAHAHAHA!  Living with me is a complete nightmare joy, I’m sure.  I’m lucky he loves me as much as he does.

Ok, enough dilly-dallying.  On to the point of this post!  I have found my holy grail when it comes to my eyelashes.  I bought this combination a few weeks ago, and I honestly don’t know where it’s been all my life.  Well, it’s been at the store..but I just didn’t know about it.  It’s Tarte’s Picture Perfect Eyelash Curler ($19 at and accompanying mascara, Lights, Camera, Flashes ($23 for full-size at


They. Are. AMAZING!  I wasn’t sure how I felt about the mascara at first, but I’ve grown to love it!  It plumps up my lashes in one coat, and definitely adds a good amount of length.  The best part about it is how it applies-smoothly and evenly and without clumping.  I feel it’s quite hard to find a decent volumizing mascara that doesn’t get “blobby.”  That’s not a word.

tarte3Now, on to the lash curler.  I always figured that every eyelash curler basically did the same thing.  I never thought that one could outperform the other.  I was wrong.  Tarte’s Picture Perfect Eyelash Curler evenly curls every single lash.  It doesn’t tug at my lash line, and it doesn’t take much pressure on the handle to achieve a decent curl.  My old lash curler seemed to unevenly “kink” my lashes instead of curling them.  I also had to go over each eye repeatedly with the tool to get the look I desired.  I’m honestly so thrilled.

tarte2Here are some before and after pictures:

No mascara.

No mascara.

No mascara.

No mascara.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

After curling/Lights, Camera, Flashes.

Mind you, this is with one coat of mascara.  Good job, Tarte!  I’m impressed!  Also, I think it’s ironic that I’m wearing a Benefit “They’re Real” shirt in these pictures.  Oh, the irony!  Anyway, give this combo a try the next time you’re at Ulta or Sephora.  Or skip the wait and go to!  You won’t be disappointed.

Stay weird!

